“This video will show and tell you more
about Nelson and his condition, but I want to share what
the Lord taught me through my three days with him. He taught me the
difference between faith and trust. You see I have faith that the Lord
can heal Nelson, and I had and still have faith that every time I pray
for him the Lord will heal his body. But the difference is when I left
that hospital, I immediately started thinking of the quickest way I
could get Nelson’s story to Oprah so she could throw some of the
ridiculous amounts of money she has at him and get him all the medical
attention that he needs. So I realized at that point all the faith I
had when I was praying was gone, and suddenly I was trusting in Oprah’s
(or whoever’s I could find) money, and not the sovereignty of the Lord.
I have to have faith and trust that the Lord can heal him, and trust
that no matter what happens it is all God’s will. So please join me in
praying for Nelson, and having faith that the Lord can and will heal
his body, but also trusting that no matter what happens, God’s will is
being done, and it is what is best for Nelson.” -Brandon Clayton, October 2008 Squad