Many of you may already have heard, but I am on my way back out onto the field!
This October, I will be co-leading a squad of World Racers who are starting their journey around the world. God has been stirring in my spirit for about two months now, and He finally made it clear that the October 2009 squad is the one I’m supposed to be with. This is totally and completely outside my comfort zone, and I am absolutely not able to do this on my own–and that helps me rest in the fact that this is right!

My role as a Squad Leader will be one of creating and facilitating an environment where my squad will be able to grow spiritually and emotionally, while also looking after their safety, heath, and encouraging them in the whole process. Sean Smith (my co-leader) and I will stay out with the squad for 4-5 months with the purpose of raising up new leaders from within the squad to take over at that point. It is going to be an awesome opportunity to pour into this group of people as they go through abandonment and brokenness and see them walk further into their giftings, callings, and character for His glory!
This is me with the “L” Squad at Training Camp:
This week I have been in Gainesville, GA meeting my squad at Training Camp. It has been absolutely incredible. God has been growing my heart for each one of them, and I have seen some incredible freedom and breakthrough in a lot of their lives. God has shown up, the Holy Spirit has been thickly present, and this group of Racers have been diving in deep to what God is doing in and through them. (Read an awesome Training Camp story about a Strip Club).
I would absolutely love your prayers right now and in the upcoming months as I prepare to go out on the field again. This is a role as leader that I have never quite held before, and it is one that I do not feel fully adequate for– needless to say, I will be relying a lot on His equipping daily.

Please pray for:

-The squad itself, that they would be able to dive into community, ministry, more empowerment in the Spirit, and their understanding of their identities in Christ.
-Their protection as they go back home for two months after Training Camp– that everything they learned, saw, and gained freedom in would be protected and sealed in Jesus’ name.

-The countries I will be going to with them: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam.
-My time with God, that it would be protected, and that I would be able to stay connected intimately with Him on a daily basis as I prepare and leave.
-God’s glory to be made known and His love to be revealed in a deeper way to my squad and those we will minister to in the nations.

-My mom and dad as I leave again!
And as much as I hate it, going back out on the field means I need to raise a bit more support. I realize this is a really tough time for so many, and so I don’t mean to press this matter. All I want to do is make you aware of the amount I need (about $6,000) and ask you to simply pray.

If you do feel led to give, thank you so very much. Your support will be sewing into me as I sew into this squad of 46 Racers. You can either send a check to Adventures In Missions, 6000 Wellspring Trail, Gainesville, GA 30506 (with my name in the memo line) or click here to give now. 
Thank you so very much for all of your support and prayers as I go back out!
Training Camp ends tomorrow, and I will be flying straight to Ireland to launch the August 2009 squad. I hope to post updates on Ireland and how my October squad is doing more frequently in the next few weeks and months!