I have seen my first miracle!

Just look at her face!
Yesterday our two teams were out evangelizing in a really poor community. One of my teammates started to feel sick, so we went back to wait for our other ministry groups at our truck.
As we stood around, praying for Daniel and quick healing for him, we noticed an elderly woman limping by. Being filled with the Spirit, I at once said, “Let’s pray for her!”
Gathering around her, Daniel, being our only Spanish speaker, asked her how she was, what her name was, if she was hurting in any way. She told us her knees were really bothering her, especially her left one. She was wearing a dress, so it was easy to see that her knees were pretty swollen, and in particular the left one. Being a follower of Christ, she was eager for our prayer for healing. At once we set off to laying hands on her. I kneeled down and placed both my hands on her knees, and began praying, surrounded by my team and their own prayers. Daniel translated my prayer for the lady.
Jesus, You’re good. And You are Healer. We know You’re coming right now, bringing healing and wholeness to Your daughter…
The Presence of the Lord was really powerful in that moment- we all felt a lightness, a boldness, a heat.

Daniel asked how she felt afterwards, and her response was “Better! My knees don’t hurt as bad!”
After praising for a moment (and standing in a little bit of awe), we waved goodbye to her, and she set off on a MISSION- she was almost sprinting down the road toward her house. Daniel prayed that as she walked, she would walk in healing- that freedom from pain and inflammation would depart as she continued on her path. And it seriously happened. As she continued down the road to her home, we watched her limp disappear completely. There was no hesitation in her steps. There was no pain in her movement. Full, long, quick strides. It was the most amazing, I-can’t-believe-I’m-watching-this-happen-right-now moment.
So we praised God. We stood around and praised God! He is Healer! He is Miracle Worker! He is to be praised!
Moments later, we saw the woman walking quickly back toward us, this time with her husband. She was walking even faster than before, if that were even possible. As she passed us she told us she was going to grind corn with her husband.
Wow. Not only were her knees healed, she was off to help her husband with work. Amazing.

Our God still works miracles today.
All photos credited to: Wesley Vickers