the things blog. a halfway-through-the-month roundup of all the “things I’m…” enjoy.

::ok, ok, so there’s a lot. but to be fair, coming down with malaria gave me extra time to read, and by golly I did. i’ve been spending all month re-falling in love with reading::

  • Cold Tangerines, Shauna Niequist. Emma lets me read this aloud to her (one of my favorite new activities- reading aloud), but since I only get to see her for a couple days at the beginning and end of each month, I won't be able to finish it until debrief. It’s basically the written in my voice and with my inflictions, full of all my own personal stories. Crazy.
  • Harry Potter 6, JK Rowling. This is my favorite of all the books, because you get to find out so much backstory.
  • Catch Me If You Can, Frank W. Abagnale. I had forgotten I was in the middle of reading this book! I re-found it on my kindle app on my laptop, so I'm trying to finish it up. It's a fantastic autobiography, really easy to read and a fascinating story (even better than the movie, and I adore Tom Hanks).
  • Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need, Dave Barry. So funny, and I ended up reading snippets to anyone else who would listen, until I finished the book.
  • Divergent, Veronica Roth. I devoured this book in one day. Even if it is a YA book, it is really entertaining.
  • Insurgent, Veronica Roth. I also devoured this book in one day. Super sad that we don't have the third and final book yet. But soon. Soon.
  • 30 Days To Tame Your Tongue, Deborah Smith Pegues. Obviously I didn't read this by the day, but it's definitely something I need to work on, so I was excited to find it on Chelsea's kindle.
  • The Fault in Our Stars, John Green. Also found on Chelsea’s kindle, I just started reading this gem about a seventeen-year-old fighting cancer. It’s definitely making me laugh; I’m sure it will make me cry, as well.
  • Band of Brothers, Stephen E. Ambrose. I originally started reading this because Emma has been reading it, and has loved it. Turns out I’m loving it, too. It’s also reminiscent of my high school J.R.O.T.C. days when I read as many nonfiction military books as I could get my hands on.


  • my new sleepytime playlist (zzzzzzzzz)


  • New Girl, with Grace and Chaney
  • So You Think You Can Dance (just a couple episodes one of the other teams downloaded. don't worry, ellice, i will still watch the entire season from beginning to end as soon as i get home- so don't delete it!)
  • As many Rom Coms as I possibly can (starting and ending with 27 Dresses; it just puts you in a great mood)


  • lots of normal american food (since we make it ourselves):
  • spaghetti
  • cereal
  • oatmeal
  • ramen
  • tuna burgers (deLISH)
  • rice with beans, carrots, and onions
  • chips
  • the occasional mexican night with daniel


  • teaching devotions at schools
  • street evangelism/prayer
  • preaching/leading worship at the local catholic church


  • dance parties
  • working out
  • having teams awakened ezekiels and steadfast pursuit with us
  • extra time in the afternoon to nap, read, work out, or hang out
  • seeing Riah and M Squad at the beginning and end of the month (Kentucky Reunion!!)

Not Loving

  • feeling like a show pony during street ministry
  • malaria
  • how easily we run out of water for showers/toilets/dishes/food/laundry

Looking Forward To

  • month 8 debrief with Bruce and Cinda and M Squad
  • Asia (soon and very soon)
  • being healthy. again.