As I prepare to greet the New Year I’m less-than-surprisingly full of nostalgia, wistfulness, and hope. Here’s a few lists to let you know where my heart is:
13 Things I Learned In 2013
1. Jersey knit is worth it
2. Live frugally and travel lavishly
3. Group travel is perhaps not for me
4. The world is bigger than my backyard… but a lot more accessible than I thought
5. I want to make a difference somehow, somewhere
6. Tomatoes are delicious… who’d’ve thought?
7. Genuine community is so, so important
8. Confrontation and conflict are not scary things, and I can do it
9. I love to garden
10. I love cold weather, but I also love to be tan
11. God is so, so, so big… and so faithful
12. I used to be slightly annoyed by small children… now? bring ‘em all on!
13. I have value. I am worth it. No matter what
14 Things I Hope To Experience in 2014
1. Get a job that inspires and encourages me…and maybe others
2. Legitimately pursue theatre… in particular to send in headshots/audition for some Shakespeare companies
3. Dates (let’s be honest… it’s about time, right?)
4. Camping in Kentucky (how have I been here this long and not done this yet?)
5. More time with my family and more reunions with friends who live far away
6. Fun In The Sun. things like: early-evening movies at a park, going on actual hikes, outdoor theatre, outdoor concerts, a boat ride somewhere
7. Grow something
8. A boost of self-discipline in the form of healthy eating, a more consistent active lifestyle, and a more positive outlook on my body
9. Something surprising
10. Farm life
11. Find out if my writing can take me anywhere new
12. More volunteering in my community
13. Become a motivational speaker
14. Inspire and encourage others to live bigger and love harder

here’s to esteeming the past and embracing the future