Hello everyone!

I’m learning a lot lately about saying God-willing with everything I do! Truly like James says, ‘ you don’t even know what will happen tomorrow’. So I say this with God’s will in mind and leaving it in His hands, knowing things could change at any moment! I am continuing to have a peace about not going on the World Race. For whatever reason, God knows it and will make it clear to me in time.
Right now I am planning on leaving for Indonesia around mid-June to work a few months with an organization that shares the gospel with an unreached Muslim people group. This is not a random pick in the dark, before World Race I was thinking about going there with a good friend of mine. Well, she just left a couple weeks ago for Indonesia and God-willing I hope to join her! After going to Sudan last year to see a Muslim culture at hand and taking a course on Islam last fall, they a people dear to my heart.

Sudan 2005 trip
Sudan trip 2005

And out of gracious hearts of the staff at AIM and World Race, they will be donating a large portion of the money I raised to this organization for Indonesia. This was one of my biggest concerns when I talked to the staff about not going; that the support I raised from those of you who gave would not be transferred, but thanks to God who
worked it out! AIM is a great organization and their staff members are people who love the Lord and are working their hearts out for Him to get His people out on the field! I pray ya’ll continue to do mighty things!

I want to say THANK YOU to each one of you who have subscribed to this blog and have been following me and praying for me on this journey! Your constant encouragement has also been a blessing. It’s a journey I’m still on but the path has taken a different direction. I know God has given me a heart for the nations and TO GO, so I will keep you updated when doors become open and I am able to go! Each one of you means so much to me and I’d love to sit with you if you are in Austin or hear from you over email about what’s going on in your life and how I can pray for you!

I hope to make a new blog when this one shuts down to keep everyone posted! My contact information is below:

Email address:
[email protected]

Mailing address:
309 Golden Oaks Drive, Georgetown, TX 78628

Thank you friends and family again for your time and prayers!
