Swimming in a volcano!?! Is it possible? Yes, it’s true!!  Taal Volcano– there’s land in water in land in water in land- I don’t know if there’s anything else like it in the world??

We’ve been really busy meeting with contacts for future teams coming here to the Philippines, and also getting to check out debrief sites (as we did today).  I like Josh’s point- anyway we look at it, the debrief will be on an island!! 🙂

our boat to Taal volcano
our boat to Taal volcano

one of the volcanic islands (not Taal, but it made a prettier picture)- all the surrounding little islands are formed from volcanic eruptions

a Taal lake volcano 

Last eruption was 1965…we saw some smoke rising in a few places as we were swimming, but don’t worry mom & dad, it was perfectly safe! 🙂

view from our hike up Taal Volcano

Crater Lake swimming- in the center of the volcano…we smelled like sulfur and the water was like a hot spring (on the other side where you can see some smoke rising, we were told the water was actually boiling) Crazy, ya, but once in a lifetime chance to swim in the center of a volcano!!

Crater Lake swimming- in the center of the volcano


As if Josh and I hadn’t had enough adventure for one day, we took a few jeepneys in search of this amazing waterfall we’d heard about…and found that the only way back to it was a 1 hr canoe ride each way! Our boat guides were incredible- on the way up we had to go up the rapids and our guides would jump out and leap rock to rock steering our canoe up rapids! At some points they even lifted the canoe up on metal bars that stretched across rocks and rapids to slide us across- it was incredible! One of the most serene and beautiful sites I’ve seen…I enjoyed every moment of it! On the way to the falls, we were surrounded by cliffs of green and smaller falls. The waterfall itself wasn’t actually all that spectacular, but the canoe ride was super fun!

Canoeing up river to Pagsanjan Waterfall!
Canoeing up river to Pagsanjan Waterfall!

Pagsanjan Waterfall!
Pagsanjan Waterfall!