Zeo with Noe & family saying goodbye for now…God may cross our paths again! What a beautiful and mighty family! These children love God so much…they pray and sing with us and are such servants!

Our friend Eliazar took us to this beautiful resort just to see it and take some pictures! Gorgeous!

Huge tree trunks!!!

   Our last day in Pelenque was one of the highlights for sure!! We spent the morning with our whole group just praising God for all that He had done during the month and sharing stories! It was an awesome encouragement to reflect on how much He had done and so humbling that we were the vessels He had chosen to use!!
   5 of us (Eric, James, Sarah, Leah & I) who had really connected with Carlos and his family were invited to their ranch (about 45 min drive out in the back of a truck) to go horseback riding!! It was such an awesome experience to have this family that we had been pouring into basically every single day that we were in Pelenque to share with us deeper in to their lives! It was such a blessing!

They only have 4 horses, so we had to ride 2 to a horse!! We had a blast riding out in the beautiful Mexican countryside! A few spots we rode through really deep mud and water…at one point my knees got wet from being so deep & our horses head temporarily went into the water!

They chopped down coconuts for us to enjoy!! They also made us dinner! They were so generous and it was such a special time and the perfect way to end our time in Pelenque.

Saying goodbye was really hard for all of us! (Carlos has already emailed each of us!) Seeing them drive away was heartwrenching, but totally worth every minute invested into that family!