Part of a sweet vision the Lord recently gave me during worship-

I came before Him with my arms full of stuff (I didn’t know what that “stuff” was at first, but then He showed me that it was a mixture of cares and burdens, as well as my good deeds and offerings of all the things I do for Him). As I presented my offering of these things that I had done for Him, He took them from me and smiled. Then He laid them down and took me by both hands to dance with Him. I felt completely free at that moment as I realized that He just wanted to be

with me! He smiled at my attempts to do things for Him, but what really blessed His heart was when I was free to dance and just

BE in His presence. When I was busy doing things, my mind and energy was focused on all that stuff. While all along what He really wanted was my


A second picture He gave me related to this topic came through a conversation with one of my friends who was struggling with feeling like she just didn’t know how to love Jesus enough and to show Him that love after all He has done for us, she just could never repay Him for all that.

The Lord showed me Himself as our Father with the comparison of our earthly fathers. As a father, the sacrifices that are made for their children are huge- time, money, energy, sleep, etc. The child doesn’t even realize all the sacrifices that are being made. Just like our earthly fathers, our heavenly Father has done far more than we can ever repay Him for! What He desires back from us isn’t for us to feel burdened to repay Him, but for us to just love Him, grow, and give thanks! Like a child who says “thank you,” draws a picture for the father to proudly display on his refrigerator, jumps on her daddy’s lap and gives him hugs, or who brags about how great her daddy is and how much he loves her…that’s what He desires from us. These might seem like small things in comparison to what the father has done for the child, but the father is delighted in the child’s love and appreciation and expressions of thanks! Of course the father wants that child to grow and mature, someday to be a parent him/herself…but the father doesn’t expect to be “repaid.” The child’s life and love

is the reward!

I have always felt like I could never do or be enough to please the Lord or to be a “good enough” Christian. If I didn’t perform well or do more good deeds or tell enough people about Christ, that He would love me less, be displeased with me, I’d failed and I just wasn’t thankful enough. He is really opening my eyes that while all these things are good, if they don’t come from a heart full of LOVE then they are pointless and empty! What He longs for more than anything else is my presence- just BEING with Him. I don’t need to perform to have His love- He loved me while I was still a sinner, before I even acknowledged His existence! I am delighted in just for being me- He delights in my giggles, squeals and laughter; in seeing me challenged, growing and stretched; in seeing me tell others about our love and relationship; in being able to comfort and carry me when I am sad or frustrated; in seeing me praise and shout for joy; and in longing for more of His presence!

He loves you

dearly and

longs for your heart- you can actually bless the heart of God! What a neat honor!