Amazing!! How else can I describe our training!! Whoever said it was like we were standing on holy ground, I say amen to that!! I really did feel like we were trampling the devil as the Holy Spirit swept through us & united us, releasing , spuring us on, & bonding us as a spiritual family! I have never experienced that kind of deep love and sense of family so quickly!! God is Awesome!! He gave us a taste of what He is doing & of the spiritual battle we’ll be facing , and already are! I was so encouraged by how covered in prayer this whole race is & how God’s fingerprints are all over it!! Thanks, family, for all the encouraging & uplifting words! I’m so excited to serve with you all real soon!!

    For some of you who I didn’t get to share this with, God gave me an awesome vision during one of our last team prayers…
as we were circled up and holding hands, praying & praising God, someone started a song & we all lifted our hands together in worship…

    I saw us standing strong and united, with angels circling all around us. As I looked up, the sky opened and God reached down His hand & touched each of our heads. As He did, a ray of light spread throughout our entire bodies!! Wow! He anointed each of us!! As we go out each day, know that you are filled with His power & presence, you ARE a warrior of light for the Kingdom of Heaven!!