I’m excited to share with you all something God recently spoke to me. Having been praying about the funds for this next year, He has confirmed to me not to worry and that He will provide as He is sending us out! Recent blessings I wanted to share with you- first was 2 free airline tickets I’ve needed for this fall (for WR training and then a wedding), then He really spoke to me through Starbucks of all places! I was getting a pomegranate drink with a friend, but they somehow forgot to make mine…so they gave me a large size instead plus a coupon for later. I was just praising God for these unexpected recent blessings (big and small), when He spoke to my heart that this was just the beginning of how He would multiply all my resources, provide for me & pour out His blessings this next year! Awesome! He has been teaching me to have faith and to believe Him for great things! Our Father owns the cattle on a 1000 hills & wants to open up the floodgates of heaven on us, His children! All we have belongs to Him, and by the same covenant, all He has belongs to us! Wow! Children of the King- our Provider and Giver of all good things! Be encouraged that we dont’ need to worry or be concerned about where our provisions will come from! He’s not taking us around the world to be consumed with worry over our needs, but instead to completely walk in faith, devoting ourselves to Him and seeing how He moves! “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you!!!”