The heaviness is getting thicker- walking through the streets praying yesterday, Erin and I could feel the heaviness so strong in our chests that it became more difficult to breathe! At night the heaviness isn’t so obvious, as all the blaring music, bright flashing lights and crowds of people fill the place. But I know that doesn’t mean the heaviness is no longer there; in contrast, the enemy is in full force as an angel of light- deceiving men, women, and yes, even children, into thinking they are finding love, fulfillment, and “fun times”. AHH- it makes me sick looking around at all the evilness that pervades- scandalousness, greed, prostitution, hungry eyes looking lustfully around, emptiness, girls literally throwing themselves at the men passing by, men puffing out their chests thinking they are hot stuff, groping hands…
   Some parents even bring their little children and begin passing on the wicked ways to the next generation, helping them grow accustomed and comfortable with the filth- we saw a two year old girl dancing around a pole as her father looked on…harmless? she’s just 2 and innocent? No! She’s growing comfortable with the environment and doesn’t have any idea what awaits her. Fathers bringing their 16 yr old sons to get them a prostitute and initiate them into manhood!? What is happening!? One of my biggest prayers is that men will learn to be real men- to lead in purity and strength, to respect and protect and cherish women and children, conviction from the selfishness; women to be real women- to know their true beauty (not to flaunt it but to be comfortable in their own skin and know their unique value that comes from God and not from a one-night or one-week stand), to be supporters and encouragers of good, to stand beside and commit to one man, not float around to whoever pays the highest price (many call themselves “butterflies” and are proud of it- meaning they have a “boyfriend” somewhere who they maybe see once or twice a year so they float around to whatever guy is here now).
   My heart ACHES for these men and women, boys and girls. I have looked in the face of all ages – from babies in strollers, to 2 yr old little girls dancing “innocently” around poles, to 12 yr old boys smoking and their faces looking like it’s an amusement park, to scared and miserable looking 18-20yr old girls just getting in to the business and uncertain about it all, to lady boys- confused about who they are and trying to be something they are not- thinking changing their sex will bring some kind of enlightenment, to 20-30 yr old tourists out to have a good time and thinking “what happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand” but choosing not to think about the longterm consequences or the hearts and souls involved, to middle-aged men escaping their life back home- thinking they deserve a break, they are bored with their marriage or family or job back home (one man I heard say he had a wife and 3 kids back home, but here in Thailand everyone is his wife! Lies!!!) so they’ll selfishly get a little fill to hold them over, to 70-80 yr old men- alone maybe and looking for company? I want to think of them as dirty old men and get angry with them, but instead my heart aches for them and as I look in their faces, I feel the

Father’s love for them too and for them, like each and every face I look in to, to crawl into the Father’s arms and find the love and the identity they are looking for. To come to the well that never runs dry, to be forever satisfied, to see that they were created for so much more than this, to learn that they are created to be

princes and princesses of a Kingdom not of this world.

La- a friend in Patong

   The enemy tries to lie to them and to us, saying that he has his wicked hands all over this place and that he owns these people and it’s too late and there’s nothing we can do. But I know this is a LIE because my Jesus died for each one of these, He defeated the enemy and his grasp, He went to hell and took back the keys to the kingdoms of this world (that we once had at creation, but by turning our backs on God and giving in to sin, we gave them over to the enemy). The enemy definitely has strongholds here and people that he owns right now because they are blinded and sadly some don’t want to be set free, but for those who do want freedom- as long as there is life in them, there is hope!! And there is no dark place that the light, love and power of Christ can not penetrate!!

Being here only a short time is so difficult because I want to see the people freed! I know that is the heart of the Father and don’t understand why things don’t happen in my timing, but I trust that He knows what He is doing. I want the girls (and guys) to accept and know the truth, and to leave this empty life to have a relationship with the Father and the One who so deeply loves them! The task seems so overwhelming because there are so many in this sick industry, but there is

HOPE!! Please pray for the Lord to send more believers to

LOVE and to share the

FREEDOM in this area (it sadly exists worldwide)! I learned recently that when Christianity first came to Thailand, 18 missionaries were here for 20 years before seeing the first convert!! The enemy HAS had a hold here for a long time, but he is losing his grip as believers are pushing back the darkness and fighting for the lost spirits here!! 1 Corinthians says one plants and one waters, but it is the Holy Spirit who makes things grow!!! Mark and Sharon will remain, other groups will continue to come through, and I know the Holy Spirit will continue to move in the spirits of people here as we all rise up in prayer and as some are called to come and obey! The Word says the Spirit groans for the spirits He has put within men, to have them return to Him!!

Noi and I at Dingo’s Bar where she works, she is the girl that I have spent the most time with and my heart aches for her freedom!!!

Noi and I at Dingo's Bar

Faces of Joy because they have been set free!!!

Jewelry-making time! 🙂

Jewelry-making time! :)

Kae, myself, Glon, Kung, Wan, and Lynette