Short Itineray of the journey back home:
Saying goodbye to beautiful San Diego

Short distance north to Carlsbad to visit with family

Across the CA Desert

1st time in Las Vegas

Friend Kelly (from world race) took us around

Lots & lots of desert & no sign of life through Utah (very close to running out of gas in the desert! Yikes! I was thankful I had my bike strapped on the back & almost needed it!)

Yeah! Hit the CO Rockies!! Amazing! Too dark for pictures.

More family in the Springs! Uncle Fred & Aunt Carmen

Focus on the Family with Aunt Carol

Air Force Academy Chapel!

Close friend from college- Riccara, Pikes Peak behind us

CO Springs- thankful for the hiking exercise!

Kansas (lots of plains- no pictures here)

Missouri- Thanksgiving Day!!
   ~ St. Louis Zoo was open & really nice!!
   ~ yogurt & banana for our Thanksgiving lunch 🙂  (on the road and not hungry)
   ~ the Arch! Neat! Got to give it a try holding it up!
still Thanksgiving- made it to Indianapolis (my prior hometown) & got to visit with more friends & stay with my college roommate & her family (& eat some yummy turkey dinner leftovers)!
Celebrating Thanksgiving with relatives in Harrisburg on Saturday then to Home Sweet Home