I launch in 40 days, hard to believe! I still feel like I have so much to do to prepare emotionally, physically, and spiritually. That is why I entitled this the journey begins now. I came home to Fort Walton Beach, FL on Sunday night. I will be here until I leave for Miami on June 28th. I had the chat with my folks Sunday night telling them that my time at home is not all about fun and games. I want to join my team in a better place emotionally, physically, and spiritually than I was when I left them at training camp. I want to continue to seek God’s direction every day. I want to see the opportunities God places before me every day.

You ask…so what will you be doing while you are at home in Florida??

Well obviously, I will be pretty much living at the beach. I am already recovering from my 1st burn. Love it!! But I have tons of reading I need to do. We have a required reading list that we need to complete before launch and I just finished my 1`st book today. (Pay up Ben…my friend is paying me for every book I finish) So that will be a large part of my time.

I will be researching the environmental needs of each country we are going to. After training camp I worked at the Captain Planet Foundation in Atlanta. God gave me the idea to get them involved with the race. I pitched the following idea to the president and he loved it. God inspired this idea so it is blessed! What if Captain Planet had a link on their website stating ‘Planeteer Travels the Globe’, or something catchy like that. I could talk about the environmental issues in each country and take a picture in my CP shirt in each country. Then I could talk how about how the locals are getting involved with these issues and how everyone else in the world can get involved. I love the idea of not only taking God’s love to the entire world but also saving the world in more than one sense of the word. Please pray that this will actually work out and I can follow the vision God gave me for this.

With the remainder of my time I will be spending time with my family, friends, and my beloved Heavenly Father. God is already speaking to me in different ways. A wise woman, Carol Pitts, told me at training camp that God would be speaking to me through dreams. Well last week was the first. It freaked me out because it was not a warm fuzzy dream, but a message from God is powerful! Hopefully I will be blogging about that experience.

So as for now, me and my toes will be remaining in sunny Florida seeking growth and dependence from my Lord. Stay tuned for more blogs regarding my time in Atlanta. I have four years to process and I want to absorb all that I learned in that time and season of life.