My teammate Katie Rowland made this video as a favor for me.
My singles group I was a part of in Atlanta is having a retreat and the theme
is community living. This year on the race my community has changed me. They
have challenged me, loved me, and been Christ to me. My singles group in
Atlanta was the community God placed me in to prepare for my journey this year.
They as well sharpened me and loved me like Christ loves me. There is not one
community in the world that is perfect, every community needs constant
refinement that is where the challenge comes in. After literally living in
community 24/7 this year I learned that Christ asks more of us than most of us
are willing to give. Are we willing to bear our hearts, share our struggles
with one another, and love others when all I want to do is smack them?? I
realized I was not living as intimately with others as I thought I was before
the race. Christ has shown me that I had more to give than I was offering
before. It was not the community’s fault, it was my fault. It is every single
person’s decision how deep you are willing to live in community. Living in
community can be a comfortable thing if you decide to take the easy
route…that is not what Christ asks us to do. My hope is that every person
makes the personal decision to live in community, let your community transform you
through Christ’s power, and to love each other unconditionally even when it is
hard. Wouldn’t Christ ask the same of you??