What to do when plans fail

So, we had this brilliant idea for ministry today. We were talking about Moses and thought we could give our translator a break for the day since her dad is in the hospital right now. We planned on watching a movie with the kids.

So while they set up the movie on the projector we sang Pharaoh, Pharaoh! They loved it!

Movie still not working.

Ok, we still have another song we planned on doing.

Smiles and giggles all around.

The screen lights up! Yay! We all sit down.

And wait.

And wait some more.

Ok, not ready yet…

Lets talk about what we are going to watch.

They already know the story.

Technical difficulties. Try another method.

Lets sing another song!

And another!

Ok, so at this point we have given up on the movie.

What can we possibly do now that won’t disappoint the kids after thinking they would get to watch a movie?

Well, they loved our skits last time… lets act out the story!

The kids know the story, so most of the time the translator just sat back and watched the show. I think the dying frogs were a highlight. And when they as the audience got to participate and become the Red Sea and swallow up Pharaoh’s army, they were grinning from ear to ear!

I wish I could have videoed our skit! But I was too busy narrating it.

To wrap it all up we talked about trusting God, even when it seems silly. I mean really, a burning bush that doesn’t burn up, a staff that turns into a snake, hitting the water to part the sea, who thinks these things up? These would never work without God! I think God likes giving us things that we know would make us look foolish if they didn’t work out. It takes a whole lot of trust to step out and do that sort of thing.

That’s one thing that I have learned in my Christian walk, trust often looks silly until God takes over.

Well, we finished the night off by teaching them Heads Up 7 Up. I think that’s a new favorite game.



Practical tip to future racers: Have a backup plan when there is technology involved! Also, when kids are involved, acting out the story is a lot more fun than listening to a translator repeat after you. And ALWAYS have a few songs and games in the back of your head!