First off, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU!!! to my church, for supporting me! They have been a blessing to me my entire life, and have yet again shown that they truly are “the little church with the big heart”.

                Christmas is tomorrow, and I have been trying to think of something to write. Compared to what my life will be like next year, it seems silly to write about the things going on right now. Lately I have been working my 4 jobs, and volunteering with Youth for Christ. It leaves little time for much else besides cuddling up on the couch with a warm fuzzy kitty and a good book.

                Next week I am getting recertified for teaching swim lessons. I love getting paid to play games with kids. (Hopefully they learn a thing or two in the process!) I love how every one of my jobs is working with kids of various ages! That’s one thing I really hope and pray for about my world race: I hope there are lots of kids and ministries working with them!

                Anyway, I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas!