My Heart Is So Happy!

The best sound in the world is the sound of children singing their hearts out to Jesus at the top of their lungs. I don’t care if it’s in English or Burmese, that sound just makes me happy every time.

Today I got to listen to just that. I got one of their songs stuck in my head and just the sound of their voices echoing in my memories is enough to keep that smile stuck on my face all day.

Church today was awesome!

Our ministry this month is working at the Living Waters Children’s Home. We come in and play with the kids for a few hours every day. On school days we come a little early so we can teach a little English or just hang out with the staff (who are themselves only in their teens). These kids have been taught to be self-sufficient. They know how to wash their own clothes, cook, and as we found out today, lead their own church service. We are just guessing on the ages, but we think the youngest is 7 years old, and the average kid is probably 10.

Our worship today was led by these small ones. The staff played keyboard or guitar, but the kids are the ones with the microphone.

And our message was given by a young man who was probably 19 or 20.

Then the mom wrapped it up in prayer.

But that’s where the fun really began!

After the church service, the staff continued to play while the kids wandered out. The staff was just having their own little jam session. They asked us if we wanted to join in, so of course we did! Geneva and I sang a few songs, and I even borrowed a guitar for a song. These guys are amazing! I just started singing and within seconds they found the key and started playing piano along with me!

Soon the sound of our songs lured the kids back in.

Then they pulled out all the stops and soon we were all dancing and singing at the top of our lungs! Some songs were in English and we quickly picked them up. Some were in Burmese and we just sat back in amazement as they sang and even rapped!

These kids were so full of passion it just made my heart want to burst!

And the last song we sang, before they had to go for lunch, actually made them tear up. There were children crying! Because they were so overcome with the presence of the Holy Spirit. My heart melted.

I wish it were the songs that made this happen. If it were just the songs, I would bring them all home with me and teach the kids at my church and recreate this moment. But it was so much more than the songs.

God was here.