“I do not see myself returning to Malaysia”, were the words that came out of my mouth ever since I was on the World Race.  My experience was not the greatest.  My team was up in arms with each other, a spiritual darkness lulled over those streets, food barely touched my lips because my stomach was in shambles the entire month, and the men undressed us with their eyes.  Needless to say it was not my cup of tea at the time, and I am a fan of tea. 

Then it came…another chance to partake in this cup of tea was presented to me when I learned that Malaysia was the only country, within budget, that I could go to obtain a one year visa for Thailand.  I should have seen it coming because I know my God is in the business of RESTORATION and REDEMPTION!


Aimee and I arrived in Malaysia at the end of November just a day and a half after returning to Chiang Mai with the team of 20.  I did not want to be there.  My body was exhausted, sickness was on me, haughty, lustful eyes undressed us, and I wanted to rest in the comfort of my home.  Put simply, I needed a break.  With attacks left and right, it was hard for me to cling to this redemption, restoration that I knew awaited me.

A glimpse of hope began to rise when I saw the faces of my squad mates and WR family’s photos on the wall in a restaurant of the people we were staying with.  So many dear faces from squads past; hope was rising. 

Day three we were invited to join in on ministry.  I was not excited. I was exhausted beyond all measure, still under the weather, and was expecting our two weeks there to consist of rest.  Once again, I was reminded that life is ministry and people still need love regardless of where I am at in the world.  Busted!

at the mall with some of the kids

Christmas Party!

Things began to change and my heart, in no time, was captured by a Christian school of refugee Chin (Burmese) students.  Our journey with them began by attending a Christmas party that was thrown by a group of Buddhists.  To me, this was a great picture of love, redemption because in their home land of Burma wars are raging between the different religious groups right now.  Whoosh!

In l ine for a free train ride at the mall

We had to wait hours for the rain to stop so we could walk home

The next day, we, along with Aimee’s old contact Keith, took twenty eight of these kids to see Christmas decorations at two HUGE malls.  I was amazed at their obedience because most American kids would be chaos with just three grownups!  It was that day that I began to take a pair of brothers under my wing: ages eight and six.  These two rascals reminded me of my nephews, so they were quite a delightful gift!

Then, we had the opportunity to chaperone their fieldtrips to the zoo.  The group that sponsored them even paid for us!  Extremely blessed!  For most of them, this was their first time ever stepping foot in a zoo.  I was honored to share this day with them; especially, my two little boys!

One ape was mad at all the noise, so it threw a fit and attemped to
throw junk over the wall

brotherly love

These encounters were only a mere glimpse of all that God did in Malaysia.  From meals to transportation to lodging being provided free of charge, God far exceeded all expectations!   HE was filling my bones with love that would in turn shake down my walls that were up in regards to this country.  What is broken, God wants to fix, to restore.  The walls that are up, He wants you to let His LOVE knock them down.   Whether it is a place, relationship, friendship, encounter or experience, He wants to restore it for us.  He wants to see freedom reign and love be restored, redeemed.  Good thing He is a master at it!

Two years and one month later, I am glad that I got to enjoy my cup of tea!