

Pioneer Cental Asia


Pioneer Africa

Pioneer Eastern Europe
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Everything came to light the summer I was going into 8th grade.  I was at a church camp up in Grand Rapids, Michigan (CDYC).  It was there that our speaker challenged those who felt God calling them into missions to stand up.  Sure enough my heart began to race uncontrolably.  I did not know what was going on, but I can see now that God was working.  During an English class that year, our teacher asked us to write down what we wanted to be when we grew up.  Out of no where, Missionary was the sole thing that came to my mind.  

Throughout youth group, I looked forward to going every week.  My sophomore year I had my first encounter with a mission trip.  Our youth group traveled to Reynosa, Mexico.  While there we built houses, took part in Vacation Bible School, tried our best to build relationships with locals, and grew closer as a group.  My young heart was transformed forever. 
Since then, I have been out of the country on mission trips 12 different times and in country 3 times.  I could talk for hours about what The Lord taught me and what HE did.  He has truely blessed me with all these countless opportunities.  This year alone, November 2009-June 2010, I will have led 5 different trips, thanks to the Lord There is nothing that I enjoy more than seeing God work within a group willing and ready to serve the Lord.  People stepping out of their comfort zones and fully trusting in God is simply beautiful.   
Over the past year, God has been teaching me a lot about the meaning of missions.  We do not need a trip for missions to take place.  No, it begins now.  If we truely want to be Christ’s hands and feet, we must begin by loving in our own backyard until we head to another country or state.  In Matthew 10:42 (The Message), Jesus states, “It is best to start small.  Give a cool cup of water to someone for instance.  The smallest act of giving or recieving makes you a true apprentice.  You won’t lose out on a thing.”  Smile at someone.  Hold the door open for someone.  Give your favorite shirt away.  REALLY listen to someone.  Talk to the man in the library who has not showered for days.  Love on a child that comes from a broken home.   Everyday should be our mission fiield  Jesus’ mission did not start in some land thousands of miles away.  No, where ever Jesus was at, there His mission would be.  My heart beats for other countries, but for now I choose to live out Chirst’s mission HERE.  What will you

choose: to wait until you are on a trip or dive in head first this very moment?  The choice is yours