I am so proud of Praying Pelican Missions! I credit a lot of my growth and development and passion to PPM! Congratulations Pelicans! Thank you for showing me and training me into the heart of missions! I love yall!

This was an article that ran in the Duluth News Tribune today!

10,000 People have served in missions:

Praying Pelican Missions, a Duluth-based Christian nonprofit group, crossed a milestone this summer. More than 10,000 people have served in partnership with the mission since its inception in 2003. In June, more than 1,000 people served in a multitude of locations with Praying Pelican Missions, which works with about 250 international communities.

The mission was created to connect North Americans with churches and people from Latin America, the Caribbean and wherever God leads in the future. Individuals and teams from all 50 states and Canada have partnered with Praying Pelican and its network of ministry staff, pastors and community leaders. Praying Pelican Missions teams serve from building projects and community outreach to teaching children and leading Bible studies. “There are two components of our operations that are the core of Praying Pelican Missions, and the rest can be modified on a week-by-week and location-by-location basis,” Pre­si­dent Matt Pfingsten said. “First, we do short-term missions simply because we feel God is calling us to do it, and we want to be obedient to God’s intended purpose for our lives and this organization. Second, everything we do is to be rooted in love.”

One of the projects Praying Pelican did this summer was rebuilding a school that was destroyed in the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

“There were about 100 young children who were left without a school after the earthquake. The option for these kids was either to gather in makeshift tents or to walk miles in hazardous, hilly terrain to school in the next community, so many just stopped going to school altogether,” said Jim Noreen, PPM Haiti Operations Manager.

Praying Pelican Missions serves in partnership with communities in Belize, Jamaica, Mexico, Haiti, Costa Rica and more. For more information on how to serve, support and follow this summer’s teams, visit prayingpelicanmissions.org or call (218) 740-4400.

Submitted by Matt Pfingsten, Praying Pelican Missions.


Isnt God awesome! I worked with PPM 2007-Present! I am so proud of the staff and all the ministries that are going on! See more at www.prayingpelicanmissions.org!

What have you done lately to further the kindgom?

This is me from PPM staff! http://www.prayingpelicanmissions.org/staff.cfm