This morning I woke up with super itchy eyes. 

This is pretty normal for me. 
But today the itch was intense and my left eye went super crazy and got all swollen.

I showed it to my teammate Katie and the first words out of her mouth were “Yup, you need to see a doctor.”

So, we showed it to the pastor we are staying with and he agreed that the doctor was the place to go.

We were supposed to be going around the community telling everyone about an English camp we will be hosting this week so we made a few stops on the way to the hospital.

All the girls and I head in to get me registered and then we waited.

I went in to see the doctor and that is where the story really gets good.

Not my part of the story – I am fine and the doctor gave me medicine for conjunctivitis which has already made my eye go back to normal.

The real story is what some of my teammates did while I was in seeing the doctor.

Kathryn (You can read Kathryn’s story here.)and Megan went for a walk around the hospital with a sign Megan had made that says ‘You’re Beautiful’ in Thai.

They shared this sign with some of the seriously ill women they saw and were able to bring smiles to their faces.

I don’t know these women or their stories. 

But I do know that no one else was there to visit them.

And I also know that Jesus is taking back Thailand
He sees their beauty and is using the women on my team to tell them.

 Today I am so thankful that my team was able to bring Kingdom to Thailand, in a hospital.

I would gladly pay the price of a few hours of discomfort and not quite $3 to have it happen all over again.