When we first arrived in Australia our squad was staying in Brisbane for two nights before traveling on to our ministry sights for the month. We ended up staying in the homes of several people none of us had ever met.

Most of the squad, probably about 35, stayed in two houses in a local neighborhood. The boys stayed in Jamie and Fran’s house. And the ladies stayed in Kate’s house. 

Jamie and Fran were amazingly hospitable. They fed the group more than plenty and helped us figure out bus and train schedules so we could do some touristy stuff while we were there.

Kate I still have never met. She was away for the weekend but was still willing to let a bunch of strangers stay in her house. She left us a note explaining on the quirks of her home, including which doors are hard to shut. She gave us free reign to eat all her food, use her towels and sleep in her bed.

I was amazed at the generosity of these people. They gave up their entire weekend and homes to give us a place to sleep. I still haven’t learned the initial connection between them and our squad, but I know that they now have about 35 World Racers praying for them to be greatly blessed.

A generous man will himself be blessed,
for he shares his food with the poor.
 Proverbs 22:9