A little about me…
I’m 27 and I really, really love my life.
But, before we get there let me tell you a little about my life up until now.
I grew up in Southern Illinois near a small town called Fairfield. It’s a pretty small place and I really enjoyed growing up there. My entire family including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all lived there, as well. Most of them still do.
My parents have been married for more than 30 years (Sorry mom I can’t remember exactly how many..) and my family has lived in the same house as long as I can remember. I have an older brother, Adam, who is 29, a younger brother, Aaron, who is 23 and a younger sister, LeeAnn, who is 14. Adam is married to Kari and they have two beautiful girls, Kate and Karoline.

Karoline was born on my birthday, May 9th, just a few weeks ago. I got to be home just a few days later which was a lot of fun. While I was there Aaron graduated from lineman school. He’s going to be climbing poles, hopefully, someday in the near future. LeeAnn also had a graduation while I was home. She graduated from the 8th grade. It was a pretty big week in the Book family.
Anyway, back to growing up…
I spent a lot of time with my grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins when I was young. My moms parents live about 1/2 a mile from my parents and I spent a lot of time at Grandma Sally and Grandpa Frank’s house. My cousins pretty much all lived right around us too and were there a lot. My dad’s parents lived ‘in town’ which was about 6 miles away. We all went to church together so I saw them all the time

too. I guess what I am trying to say is that my family is very close.
My family was also very into sports. I played a lot of catch in the yard and in the living room 🙂 There is a basketball goal in the backyard that my brother’s and I spent a lot of time on. I remember very clearly learning and being reminded often of what the triple threat position is. I started playing basketball on a Junior league team when I was pretty young. I think there were 2 girls in the entire league. I kept playing basketball all through junior high and then in high school. In high school I also starting playing volleyball. And that is my favorite. I still play both when I can. I recently played on a slow pitch softball team and really enjoyed it too. Even though I’m not really very good and neither was our team.
After high school I went to college at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, MO. I majored in Child Development with a minor in Social Work. I thought I was going to go on and get my Masters in Social Work, because I saw how much good social workers could do when my parents were adopting LeeAnn. It’s hard to even imagine our family without her now. I quickly discovered that I didn’t really like it when I did my practicum for school. Working one on one with kids is what I really wanted to do. For my second practicum and the final thing I had to do to graduate I got accepted to a program with the department of Morale, Welfare and Recreation of the Navy. I traveled to Japan for the summer and helped to run the day camps for the kids who lived on the base in Sasebo, Japan. This is when I discovered that I really did love to travel and see new places.
When I got back from Japan I moved back in with my parents and started looking for a job. I ended up substitute teaching for a few months but wasn’t able to find anything full time. One of the girls I met in Japan had started work for the

YMCA in Julian, CA and they were hiring for the next season. So, I applied, was accepted and moved to California all in a matter of a few weeks.
I worked at Camp Marston for the next 9 months and then moved into San Diego and worked for The Rock Church Preschool. I loved it there too but when summer came around again I really wanted to go back to camp. So I did. I have come and gone a few times. But every time I leave camp I end up coming back. I miss my family a ton and really enjoy spending time at home when I get there. It gets harder and harder to leave and come back every time I go home. But, I have learned so much here about myself and who it is that I am meant to be. I am a completely different person than I was when I first came here. People that I worked with that first season are sometimes shocked when I see them again. I am certain that God has used Camp Marston and the people here to help me see that who He made me to be is exactly who I should be and just to be comfortable in my own skin. I really love this place and have a hard time imagining not being here.
I also know that God has used this time to get me ready to go on this World Race. I didn’t know this is what was going to happen but I am so excited to have to chance to go and share the Love.
A few things I love…
Chocolate Camp My Cousin Face Book Pineapple Holy Spirit Soft Sheets Netflix Going New Places Family Reading Friends Sunshine The Smell of Rain and a Good Thunderstorm Lightning Bugs baldorf Green Grass The Wind Jesus Laughing Outloud
So, there is a bit of me.
Thanks for reading!