Borderline rude ….
I don't know about you but when God is teaching me and bringing me to a new area of my walk with him , He does not relent !! That being said i have a series of blogs I'm going to be posting about the same concept but in different stories and ways God has shown me 🙂 I hope you enjoy !!!
Bus theology número UNO…

( this will give you an image of what he had to fight through to get on the bus !!)
Half of my teams first encounter with the Chinese bus system, a memory never to be forgotten . As my team departs from or squad , we have to take two busses to our ministry's location. The first bus piece of cake , we were the first ones on with seats to sit in and all . Second bus this was not the case, first we got off on one stop too late , so we had to venture around , with or 60 pound packs and all, to find our bus . Afraid we had missed it , we resort to trying to wave down a taxi instead, this attempt quickly became comical and unsuccessful , thankfully we look to our left and see our bus hooorayyy , the downfall was the swarm of Asians we spot crowded around the unopened doors ! We quickly sprint to the side of the bus , with a survival mindset , push as hard as you can, grab on to the person in front of you , and DONT LET GO !!! Somehow I made it to the front of the line and I was not going to relent till I made it on along with my three teammates . That being said my alter ego was forced to come out , no more sweet and nice Amie it was now time to be aggressive and dust off my boxing gloves . So I did , I pushed and stomped my way through until I made it on, as I held my ground and the line up , I looked back yelling to Carrie the famous line , Dont let go , dramatic yes, but called for most definitely . I try puling her on the bus, but somehow ten mini chinese people got in between us , she was now stuck between them and the door, thankfully emily was behind her and pushed her from the back and viola she made it on , and so did the rest of our team. This was such a proud moment for my team as we were victorious in this boxing match
As I'm standing and holding on for dear life , I recap everything that just went down ! I start to question crap was I acting in a Godly manner , in a way that pleased the Lord, because I definitely wasn't being high preference . And I definitely pushed my way to the front , trying to be first instead of allowing myself to be last , Instead of gentleness I was questioning if my actions were rude . I then was reminded of the way Jesus lived, and that things He said were offensive to the ones who did not know Him . That faith sometimes seems rude, because faith is bold, fearless, it does not waiver and stands firm ! There is only ONE truth , ONE way to heaven and that is by Jesus , once we accept that we then realize that we only live once with ONE purpose on this earth.
Therefore, everyone who will acknowledge Me before men, I will acknowledge him before My Father in heaven . But whoever denies Me before men , I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. Don't assume that I came to bring peace on the earth I did not come to bring peace , but a sword .
As I lead to my next bus theology I will leave you with this question , what is Gods purpose in your life ? Are you willing to push and ruffle some feathers to accomplish His will in your life ?