For the past 5 days I have had the pleasure of rejoining with others who have been traveling, bringing the kingdom of God all over the world for the last year. We have been taking part in a conference, known as Project Searchlight(PSL). It is a week dedicated to celebrating all that the Lord did on our individual and collective journeys. It has also been a time of healing, processing, empowerment and closure. It also marks the start of a new season of courage, challenge, joy and abundance 

Before coming to PSL I had been praying for the next season and step in my life. I had no idea that the Lord had in mind to unpack something even deeper and set me into a path of further freedom. 


Our second night was the most powerful many people. It was a night of healing and worship. People were getting prayed over and being physically healed!! Arms mended, back and foot injuries with no more pain. The Holy spirit was moving. As the night progressed, it moved from physical into deep soul. The speaker had said, “If you feel guilty, and weighed down by that Gault for something you have done or someone you used to be, the Lord wants to heal that”. Out of the recesses of my heart, something bubbled to the surface. 


My step father (a spiritual leader in my life) suddenly passed away my first semester of college, almost 6years ago. There was a segment of time when our relationship was very strained. I was a teenager with her own “pleasing and perfect” will and I wanted nothing to do with my parents. I was horrible to them. The guilt from every argument and negative comment that I had ever said to him pierced my heart like an arrow. I cried and cried. I then heard the Lord whisper “give this to me, I want to take this guilt from you forever”. 


I did. 


What a weight lifted out of the depths of my soul. It wasn’t even something that was on mind a lot or something I realized I had felt bad about. When we have an injury or sickness for so long, sometimes we forget what it’s like to walk in full health. I had forgotten that.


But the Lord is good and he knows we fall short. He shows us grace and love when we do.


All I have to say is Hallalujah and Amen.

If you have something to give to the Lord or need healing, just pray to Him or have someone else pray for you and let the Spirit heal that. It is never to late!

His mercies are nrw every morning.


Love you and God bless!