Just 10 more days and I will be back home with all of you. I am so excited to see and talk to everyone. I have dreamed of this coming moment since month one. I know now however that it won’t be as easy as a transition as I first thought. I am looking forward to it nonetheless.

Over This last year of my life I have experienced more crazy, incredible, inspiring, heartbreaking and challenging moments than I have in my entire life combined. I have lived in and experienced 12 different cultures, adjusting month after month. Forming relationships and living life with people from all over the world. I have witness miracles and healings, brokenness and poverty.

My mind is full of memories of gypsy children running through the streets, African children dancing and playing, teaching English and riding elephants in Thailand, lame people walking again. Pictures of a woman jumping around because she no longer has any pain, the smell of paint on my fingers and clothes fill my mind. Remembering late nights of laughing and early morning prayer. I can still here us worshiping on a roof top in Bangkok, and the freedom I felt zip lining over a over a ravine and dancing under a waterfall as if I was in this moment. Even, Julio, the alcoholic homeless man I met and prayed for last night, his handshake feels fresh on my fingertips. So much has happened. God did so much around me and in me.


I have grown and changed, yes, but I am still Amelia. I may have gained and lost certain habits. I may be more transparent when you ask how i am, not just “I’m fine and you?”. I may need more alone time than before. I may say “on the Race” a lot. I will accidentally reply or ask a question in spanish. When you greet me, I will more then likely kiss you on the cheek out of habit.

A lot of change has taken place at home too. In my heart I am expecting to go back to place I left. Same house, same church, same friends, same coffee shop. But change happens. Some of you have moved and gotten married, started having kids. My church has grown, there’s different coffee shop, and beloved pets that are no longer there. Home is a different place and that will take time to adjust to as well.



In the midst of change I have learned how to live so much more richly, wanting to cultivate even deeper and more meaningful relationships in my life. I have been waiting what seems like forever to do that back home. I have experienced the joy and fulfillment that comes with serving those around me and in my community. I want to invite others into this as well! I am so excited for what God has next for me.

Until we meet, all my love.
Amelia Rose


In other news, there is a way to still support and donate. This journey has been a lot more out of pocket cost than expected. This can be very challenging in a lifestyle of volunteer work and not receiving a paycheck for a year.

If you would like to donate to me personally and help get this missionary back on her feet, please send any donations via mail to:

Amelia Dernier
C/o Laraine Roach
26045 North Point Ln. NE
Hines, MN 56647

Or through PayPal: to
[email protected]


Anymore questions about it my blog or how to donate, email me! Blessings!