This month was jam packed full of variety. I’m at a loss of words for what to say, so since a picture is apparently worth a thousand words, I will let these pixels speak to you (with a bit of explanation from me).

We started the month in the cute ski town of Brasov, Romania for a time of debrief (when the whole squad comes together to reflect on their past month, evaluate how the team is doing, and to spend time encouraging one another before preparing to launch into the next month of ministry). To say that I felt spoiled getting to wander around Brasov is an understatement.

The first person that we met (aside from our awesome host, Callum, a young Scot who moved to the small town of Sistarovat to help run Friendship Camp as well as be a missionary to the locals) was Baba Dora. This sweet and sassy lady was technically on bed rest… but you would rarely find her sitting still. Even though she knew we could not speak a lick of Romanian, she endearingly babbled to us anyways. This baba will forever be known for pinching us girls on the booty and occassionally planting us a kiss on the lips.

We spent some time shucking and kerneling corn this month (in an even different way than last month, who knew there were so many different methods?!) and we met this dog named Jonny! This faithful furry friend could always be found wandering near the babas.

On this particular day of shucking, the tractors kept getting stuck because the ground was so wet!

Some days we rode to ministry on the back of a tractor! 

(Back from left: Pablo and Brooke Chavez. Megan [one of our squad leaders] and I)

Another large part of our week to week ministry was kids club! Every Saturday afternoon we would play with kids, teach them a bible story, and facilitate a craft. Kids club had been off for the summer, so we enjoyed helping Callum getting it up and going again! You can be praying that it continues to build momentum in the months to come, and that Callum, as well as the other missionary family there, will continue to be filled with strength to press onward in their various ministries!

Sweet Onca and Angelica wouldn’t stop smiling!

This is Callum, helping facilitate a parachute game with some kids from a nearby gypsy village.

Our last Saturday in Romania we loaded a bunch of games and candy into the camp van and drove to a nearby gypsy village. The gypsy communities in Romania are some of the poorest. We played so hard! One thing that I’ve been learning on the race is that the Lord has placed in me strong desire to have children- and a lot of them! This sweet little girl, Gabby, came up to me after about two hours of playing and wrapped her little arms around my legs. I scooped her up and she nearly fell asleep on my shoulder!

 This is only a small snippet of my time in Romania. Team No Greater Love had quite the month! We are currently in Bucharest, Romania for another time of debrief, as well as team changes. You can be in prayer that the Lord will give us peace about what is to come! Pray that our squad will wholeheartedly be able to trust that He knows what is best for us, and that His voice is going to guide our squad leaders and mentors as they discern who needs to be placed together for our ministries in Asia and Africa! Be on the lookout for another blog about what happens with me and my team in the next few days! On November 1st we head to India!

Thank you so much for your continued support by way of finances and prayer! I wouldn’t be here without you guys!