You feel as if you don’t deserve my love. You feel as if the things you’ve done wrong will always outweigh the good things you’ve done. You feel fearful of what the future holds. You feel guilty for not treating those you love the most, in the way you feel you should’ve. You feel like a failure. You feel unworthy. You feel ashamed of what you’ve done and how you’ve lived your life. You know all the “right” answers. You know you’ve been forgiven. You feel as if you’ll never reach the place you’re so desperately trying to reach. You’re tired. You know and feel all of these things, but you need to know WHO you are.



“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow. Though they are red as crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” -Isaiah 1:18

This is a concept that we as humans wrestle with on a daily or even hourly basis. The words the Lord chooses to use in Isaiah 1:18 is complete evidence of that. He says, “Come now, let’s settle this.” That clearly shows that this is a concept that we continue to question. You use the words “let’s settle this” when you disagree with someone and a discussion needs to be had. When there are two differing opinions and each person thinks they’re right. We question forgiveness and wholeness constantly. We think that our sins are too big for God to handle or too big for Him to forget. We wonder why He would wash us clean of the things that have so negatively affected our lives and the lives of those around us. How could He possibly do that? God is urging you to settle this once and for all. He’s urging you to stop the questioning, stop the doubt and stop reflecting on what you’ve done. He is asking you to move forward. Step ahead into the grace and redemption that He has waiting for you. 



“And we know that God causes everything to work together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory.” -Romans 8:28-30

You have been chosen. The creator of the entire universe saw you and wanted you. Before you were created He knew that He wanted you and knew you would live a life desiring to honor Him. He knew that you would have what it takes to push through the trials in your life that would come. He knew that you wouldn’t give up. Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re at the store and you’re looking to purchase some new dish ware. You walk down the aisle, find a design that you like and decide you’re going to get it. The plate on the very top has a small scratch so you set that one aside and look at the one below it. That one looks pretty good but once you pick it up you notice a chip on the edge. That one won’t do either. You’re not going to purchase a plate that is already damaged. That just wouldn’t make any sense. After looking through a few more you finally find a handful of plates that are in perfect condition. No scratches and no chips. Now let’s imagine this scenario again but this time you’re looking for dishes for a completely different purpose. You have this incredible idea for a piece of art that will require broken and damaged plates. You walk down the aisle, find a design that you like and start looking for the damaged pieces. There are a lot. You see the broken, scratched up, chipped plates and know they are exactly what you’re looking for. You know that they’re perfect because they’re already in a state of brokenness. They’re already worn down. They’re in the exact condition that you need them in, to make them into something great. You choose the broken. You choose the pieces that are ready to be transformed. You are those plates. You are in a place of brokenness. You are ready to be transformed into something great but are doubting that you’re actually strong enough to let the Lord do that work in you. He chose you for this. He knows that you have what it takes, if you only release yourself to Him completely. Go to Him. Become like Him. 



“In Christ, you have been brought to fullness.” -Colossians 2:10

Wholeness is defined as the state of being perfectly well in body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit. Complete sanctification and restoration. Nobody on this earth will ever be able to fill the void you feel. Nobody on this earth will be able to save you. Nobody will ever be able to say all the right things or do all the right things. There is only one who will ever be able to fully restore your life and make you whole. Various issues of the heart prevent us from being able to be like Jesus. Damaged emotions, unhealed relationships, belief in lies about who we are and our very own sin nature contribute to our inability to live a life like Christ. The more you allow Christ into these places of your heart and mind, the greater opportunity you have to be restored or healed. The more healing you experience, the more your life will bear the fruit of the Spirit. You must desire to be transformed and you must be intentional. Wholeness and fullness will not happen by you sitting in your sin, doubting your forgiveness, and not putting in the effort daily. There are a few important questions you must ask yourself during this time of brokenness. 

– What might God be desiring to do in my relationship with him? 

– How might God be working in this time of brokenness to restore me, renew me, remake me, and remold my relationship with him?

– How might God be working in and through this situation or circumstance to bring me to greater wholeness?

Our role in times of brokenness is to submit not only to what God desires to do in our lives, but also to his timing. Wholeness may not and will likely not come quickly or easily, but it is worth the wait. God will reveal his plan to you step by step. Very rarely does he give insight into the total plan he has for us. You are called to trust him day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. He will give you the strength you need each day, if you only ask. 


Those are just a few of the truths about your identity in Christ. 

That is how the Lord sees you. 

Now there are a few things that I need you to know. 


I love you. You have loved me more than most have. You have given me things that nobody else ever could. You have taught me what it looks like to love others well. You have shown me what a servant’s heart looks like. I love you. Nothing will ever change the love I have for you. There is nothing you could do that will stop my love. Love is a choice. Despite your failings, I love you.        


I do not judge you. Your struggles or sin aren’t any different than mine. They aren’t any greater or any worse than mine. It is not my place to judge what you’re going through or what you’ve done. I’ve messed up in countless ways. I’ve disappointed those that love me and I’ve let people down. I don’t see you or view you any differently. Instead I feel like for the first time, I’m seeing you as human. I think for a long time I’ve seen you as someone who doesn’t have any struggles. Someone who has a pretty “easy” life. This is only showing me that you do struggle and I don’t for a second judge you for that. In a way, it’s a relief for me to know that you aren’t perfect. Perfection isn’t something I should ever put on someone, but I think with you I did. So thank you. Thank you for showing me that you’re just like me. Thank you for showing me that I’m not alone. Thank you for allowing your “humanness” to show. 


I accept you right where you you’re at. I may not necessarily like what you’ve done. I may not agree with your decisions. I may be angry. I may be hurt. I may be confused. Where you are is okay. As long as you’re in a constant place of desiring to grow closer to the Lord and restore what’s been broken. That is all I ask. I don’t expect you to have it all figured out. I don’t expect you to know all the answers. It’s okay to not know what the next day, the next month, or the next year will look like. Again, as long as you’re making an effort to press into the Lord, press into the hard emotions, press into the feelings you don’t want to feel and press into the people that you love the most. I am not going to push you to change faster. Where you are is okay and God is going to give you the strength you need each and every day to step out of the brokenness you’re feeling and step into the restoration and fullness he has for you. 


Despite your failings, they are bringing me closer to the Lord. The work He has done and is doing in me is incredible. I am learning new things about His character and see Him in areas of my life that I never thought possible. Am I happy that these things had to happen in order to get me to this place? No. However, I am grateful. I am thankful for this opportunity for the Lord to teach me new things and for me to grow deeper with him. Now I’m not saying that I condone what has happened or what’s been done, but I’m thankful that despite those things, God is doing some amazing things in my life and in my heart. He is revealing to me plans and purposes that I didn’t think I would ever see. 


I am excited for you. I am excited for you to step into a new life. I am excited to see who you are becoming and I am excited to see what God is going to do in and through you. I am excited for you to experience more of his love and to feel the depth of his grace. I am excited to see how this is going to change the way you see life and the people in it. If you fully surrender everything you have to the Lord, you will be okay. You will be more than okay. You will be walking in the purpose and plan He has for your life. That is the absolute best place you can be. I am so excited to see you fall more and more deeply in love with the Father and become who you are desiring to be.