The second half of our month was spent running a English camp. Although we did have English classes everyday the main point of the camp was to teach these kids about God. To build relationships and just let them see Gods love through us. Our theme was superhero's everyday we told stories of different superhero's from the Bible the greatest being Jesus. After the lesson we would have discussions. They also had memory verses they had to learn each day.



I was a counselor for the boys age 7-9. My kids were full of energy and loved to not be where they were suppose to be. If I lost sight of them for a moment they disappeared. They also loved to hide. So I spent a lot of my time chasing them. Even after days that went nonstop if we had any free time to rest it was spent wrestling or playing zombies.



When my kids first came they hadn't really heard about Jesus. We would pray before meals and bed. This confused them so we began to talk about praying. As the week went on and we talked more and more about the Bible they began to love Bible lessons and learning verses. It's crazy how's in just a week I saw these kids life's change. My once crazy kids who never wanted to listen or participate especially in the stuff that had to do with God. They were now being respectful, helping each other memorize verses, and arguing over who would get to pray.



At the end of our week we shared the story of Jesus and had a alter call. My boys all went up. As we prayed some of them began to cry. Some of them even started praying for each other.




I can't be sure if they all went up on their own some of them probably just went up because of their friends. What I do know is that God used this English camp to plant seeds in these children.Children who may have never heard about Jesus. I believe if they didn't give their life to God this past week that God will continue to pursue them.



Although I can't be here to help them step by step I am thankful that our contacts this month will be. At the end of camp they invited the kids to start coming to the church. Not all of our kids will go but some of them have already started going to the church right after coming home. After working with the people from this church all month I know that they will love on and pour into these kids so much.



This month has been amazing and I'm so thankful that God let us come here. Keep us in your prayers as we go into our last month. We are heading to Ireland tomorrow….