Before the mountains were born,

before you gave birth

to the earth and the world,

from beginning to end,

you are God.

Psalm 90:2



Bulgaria, the land of my first month’s happenings. We have been warmly welcomed by such gracious ministry hosts of Mission Possible. These people have overflowing hearts for what the Lord is doing and how He is moving in their broken homeland. They truly make room for the kingdom here on earth by doing what the Lord is doing. During our first few days, we joined them in a couple of their different home churches. What an awakening it was to see such openness to the Holy Spirit for Him to have His way, whatever that means. Only 30 short years ago, Bulgaria was under communist rule, but God is moving and redeeming hearts in this peaceful country. 


Let the redeemed

of the Lord say so,

whom he has redeemed

from trouble.

Psalm 107:2  


The first few days in Bulgaria were spent in Sofia, located in the west, which is the capital. Since we weren’t at our ministry site yet, we had time to settle in and really soak up the culture by checking out the area. Downtown Sofia is full of culture, lots of shopping, and loads of coffee. 


We soon moved on to the small, quaint village of Dobromirka, located in the center, where ministry officially began! I much prefer our quiet village to the busy capital. It is absolutely beautiful here. Everyday, I see the beauty of God’s creation in the rolling mountains surrounding us, the local people passing by, and the colorful flowers blooming everywhere. I can’t believe this is the life I get to live and the journey I am on. I only pray I don’t forget the childlike wonder I feel as I move along in the race. 


In between cleaning up around our new home, we are spending lots of “coffee breaks” with our hosts, Valo & Amie. They live in the Mission Possible conference center, basically a hotel, but it is often referred to as a miracle house because God legit provided so much of this beautiful place. And, when I say provided, I mean, FUH FREE. More than just this beautiful place we have been given the blessed opportunity to stay in,                                                                                       God is all over and it is glorious

Valo & Amie gave up their comfortable and successful lifestyle in Sofia to fulfill a tugging on their hearts from God. They both have said that though their previous life was the “dream life”, it never satisfied or fulfilled them.                                      Like I said, God is all over and it is glorious.

We have been serving in this place with them in preparation for a teacher conference in just a couple days. That has entailed tearing up weeds in their sidewalk, making about 75 beds, and lots of cleaning. During the conference, we will be serving in whatever ways necessary so they can enjoy the conference as well. That may mean cooking, cleaning, and running around like chickens with our heads cut off, but we are ready! Our heart as a team is to truly serve them no matter what that looks like so they will be blessed. We want them to receive whatever the Lord has for them in this conference. 

Towards the end of the month, we will be doing the same type of thing for an at risk women’s conference they are hosting. 

I am absolutely captivated by this life I am living and loving all that God has for this season. I have such a joy to serve alongside my beautiful teammates and sista girls. 


We are embracing community by getting to know each other more and more everyday and truly seeking the Lord’s heart for what He has for us both individually and collectively.

Wherever you are, embrace your journey and be grateful for the life you are blessed to have. I am slowly learning and constantly reminded that is truly the key.

Give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.     

1 Thessalonians 5:18


S U P P O R T & P A R T N E R 

encouragement. encouragement.

prayer. please keep my team & me in your prayers

as well as the ministry we are with this month, Mission Possible.


they have 2 conferences we are helping them with, so

also be praying for the Holy Spirit to do His thing during these times!

financially. i still have about $5600 to raise until i am fully funded,

specifically, $2500 to meet the next deadline on October 31st. 

if you feel so led, leave a comment of encouragement or prayer, 

or click “Support Me” located above to donate.