Romania= colder/darker/drearier than our Black Sea paradise, but we've got a really cool ministry working with gypsy kids this month, which is awesome.
I've got lots of questions- I was thinking about how humbling this whole experience has been- that all around the world people have given us so much, and not only around the world, but at home too- I'm fully funded thanks to everyone who gave/supported me this year( including my awesome teammates families-I salute you…)
I was just wondering why- why did I get to go on the race this year? How can I say thank you enough? How can I move on? How is this whole gig ending? How can I go back to old life stuff with a new me?
I thought about myself as old wine before the race. After eleven months of intense pouring out/refining I've been made new in a lot o' ways. Refining this year=nuts because this whole community living= insanely intense- living with people like we do magnifies every insecurity you have about ten fold, so it's a constant changing/growing/redefining/stretching.
Anyways, I think the whole idea just made me thankful- thankful for the chance to be renewed. Thankful for change-for getting to see- getting to adapt- getting to grow-getting to give-getting to love- getting to be uncomfortable-getting to learn-getting to struggle- getting to have fun.
I'm thankful for this year and couldn't have done it without so much support,help,prayers, snoop bloggy blog comments, encouragement, etc. I know I'm not going to be fitting back into old wineskin- I know I have some new wineskin ahead(how many more times can I use the word skin?), and I'm more than thankful for that too.