Today is an awesome day <3
Because I feel so full of knowledge!!!
Why does that make today awesome? Because apparently I'm a "Teacher!!!"
Well… Obviously I am a teacher by profession but THAT ISNT WHAT I MEAN!!!
For team time, Stef has been leading us through a journey to find all of our spiritual giftings!!!! Last night we took a test on REDEMPTIVE GIFTS which is kindof like a Biblical personality test!
You can be : teacher, giver, exhorter, ruler, mercy, prophet or servant.
We all got something different!
(My lowest was prophet … By FAR)
I cannot explain how much I learned and realized about myself in just ONE NIGHT… And since I'm a "teacher" who seeks knowledge and truth… I've been doing a little research…
Knowing my Biblical and Spiritual strengths and weaknesses makes me feel so much more Empowered!!!!!
Here are some qualities of a teacher:
(For those of you who know me well- some of these traits you may think are quite opposite of me… But they may have surfaced in the last few months- others had always been me)
Needs to validate truth themselves.
Processes and makes decisions slowly and can slow people who jump to conclusions.
Deep family loyalty.
Sees the big picture.
Wants first hand details.
Values precision in sharing details.
Values reason, accuracy, balance, loyalty.
Seen as a safe place- patient with sin.
Tends to be the last to speak up in a group- listens and observes then summarizes the whole picture.
Tends to feed mind more than spirit.
Tends towards selective responsibility- can be extremely responsible and reliable in one are but not necessarily in others.
Doesn't reject or receive new truth immediately -tests them out.
Calm in crisis.
Angry only when offense is committed against family member.
Profound loyalty to leaders.
Willing to die for convictions.
has a burden for spiritual, physical, natural healing.
Releases truth that empowers and equips.
Find it difficult to return phone calls, texts emails etc.
Difficulty in handling money.
Tends to be passive, unwilling to impose responsibility on others.
Can be soft on sin and overly patient with people doing wrong. Wants to love people into the Kingdom even after the time for redemption is past.
Unhealthy loyalty can be perverted by enemy to keep in toxic relationships or environments.
Timelessness and responsibility in certain areas. Usually excels at work but negligent in home responsibilities.
Wants to live by sight and not by faith.
Intimacy and prayer is a major battle.
May focus on doctrine rather than the Father.
Poor boundaries. Doesn't plan for the future.
I recognize these qualities in my life ( some I embrace, others I will work on. )
The pieces that I am most intrigued by are:
1) High authority over predator spirit.
2) has a burden for spiritual , physical and natural healing
3) has access to hidden Manna in the word of God.
I'm going to push into that <3 and explore these areas a bit.
Biblical persons who are also "Teachers" are: Luke, Daniel, Isaiah, Levi, Samuel, Ezra, Mordecai and… None other tha… MARY THE MOTHER OF JESUS.
Oh yea.
I would like to encourage each and every one of you to take this quiz:
And find YOUR Resemptive gifts !!!!
It is definitely worth the time !!
Not only to know yourself better, but to know each other better, and better grow together in spiritual community, recognizing the importance of each persons spiritual differences, because we each have our places <3
Here is the link again just in case you are too lazy to scroll up.
Are delicious