As my squad and I prepare to launch to the nations, I want to take this opportunity to reflect and express gratitude to all those who went before me and made this possible.   From the day I committed to the World Race I entered into a wonderful, Christ filled family.   This extends beyond my team to the alumni racers and Adventures staff who have reached out over the past 9 months, who have spent time in prayer over this journey, and who have imparted wisdom and blessings upon us leading up to this – the night before my squad launches to the nations!  One of the World Race alumni I was fortunate to connect with during my season of preparation blessed me through his gift of poetry that I wanted to share before leaving tomorrow.

Keys Given

(for Amber Hoffman)

Unique perspectives,
Unique stories and backgrounds
Give rise to Possibilities
On the ways captives walk free,
Either-Or does not matter
For the King of Kings reaches down
And into palms places Keys~
Keys Given to unlock hearts,
To open the cages and shackles
Of any and all stumbled upon
With Love, Laughter, and Hope;
A smile of sunshine
Brightens the coldest of hearts
And Kindness multiplied
Echoes through the nations,
So fear do not fall for,
But Arise and shake the keys
For the Jingle traverses galaxies
And demons quake in terror~
Yes, Beloved Daughter
The clock reaches ~ NOW
The moment to go and Love
Beyond every imagination
For Keys Given to you
To set captives free
And call forth the lost
Sons and Daughters of the King.

~By: A.J. Wagoner

I can’t wait to see the way s this community will grow and challenge me this year.  Good news is, I don’t have to wait anymore because it’s here!