Well, if you haven’t watched the video on this blog post yet then you should before reading this…


So now that you watched the video. Can you believe I am fully funded?! It is hard to comprehend, I know it is hard to believe. Now, my blog will take a little while to update showing I am fully funded, but I am, don’t worry. It is also hard to believe in two weeks (Oct. 2) I will be flying to Atlanta to launch. All of it is still kicking in for me. Yesterday made it a little more real when I had my last day at the YMCA. That was a weird feeling. For those of you who don’t know I have worked at the Bethany YMCA for three years now and they have become like a family to me. But now I am leaving not only the YMCA but I am leaving family, friends, and all the comforts of the life here in Oklahoma. It is so exciting but it is a little scary all at the same time. God has blessed me with all of your support whether you financially supported me or if you prayed for me. All of that made a huge difference in this journey of raising the funds. Now that the fundraising is over for me, I just ask that you continue to pray for my squad and I as we travel. Please pray for the funding of others on my squad. If you feel compelled to do so you can donate to them as well. If you are just curious to see who all is on my squad I will put a link below for you to view the whole squad. You could also subscribe to my blog. When you subscribe all that means is that your name and email or phone number is put on a list so you will receive an email and or text message when I make a new post.

With all of that being said I would like to continue to thank all of you for your support and encouragement. There were struggles but we made it! I continue to pray for all of you and that God blesses you, for you have blessed me.

Have a great day,

Amber Barton


Link to my squad >> https://www.worldrace.org/?tab=participants&group=16G1002 

Side note>> each of the teams show in that link are on my squad they have our blogs split up by our smaller teams.