For those who have been following my World Race journey, thank you. Thank you for your financial support, encouragement, and constant prayers. Thank you for reading my blogs, looking through my photos, and leaving sweet comments. For real, thank you! I would not be here without you.

Now, I have some exciting news! I’ll just jump right into it.


I have the amazing privilege of partnering yet again with the World Race. This time, my role looks a bit different. My official title is an Alumni Team Leader. This means that I will be leading, discipling, and walking alongside a group of 5 incredible humans as they venture through the unknown and uncertainty a missional lifestyle brings. I will be with them for the first 2.5 months of their Race journey. They are my ministry. I’ll be in Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina (how sweet!!!). It’s so cool to see the ways the Lord is already using my experience to encourage another group of Racers. I am so excited for the challenge and can’t wait to meet my team here shortly. 

So, as I enter into another season of support-raising, I am fully trusting in the Lord’s provision just like He showed me in this past season and honestly, like He’s done my entire life. I’m needing to raise $4,000 by October 6th. 

This is where you can help! I have a couple fundraisers going on right now.

1) SHIRTS!!! Visit for all the specs 🙂 Yes, I made them and yes, you are simply loved by the Father!

2) ADOPT-A-BOX!!! Pick a square-ish shape, let me know which one(s) you want, and donate the amount in the box either straight to my blog or venmo @Amanda-Blakley-1.

3) If neither of those sound appealing, you can make any donation straight to my blog or venmo me. Seriously, anything helps tremendously!!!

4) If you are unable to financially support me, please pray! Pray for safety, health, for the communities and individuals we will come in contact with, for my teammates and squadmates, and for whatever the Lord puts on your heart. There is SO much power in prayer and it would mean the world to me to have some prayer warriors behind me as I venture back out.

I love you all a lot and am excited to take you on another journey 🙂
