I said “here I am send me”.

I applied, got accepted, raised funds, and went but the race isn’t much different from life at home. 

Everyday we make a choice to buy in. We choose to spend time with God or not, we choose to love and live the life we have .. or not. We choose to go through the motions or to really try. We choose to love like we are called, or not. 

We have to make those same choices. Racers get intoxicated by adventure and romanced by the nations but we still have to get through the everyday.

We are not on a mission trip. This is our life, our call, our vocation for a year.  

This month I am being challenged to buy in. I am struggling with what that looks like. For the first time on my race I am not swept up in adventure, I am not distracted by the whirlwind of events around me. I am here, I am numb

I think that is one of the devil’s sneakiest ploys. Numbness. 

Well, I want to feel. I refuse to let the numbness overtake my body and mind. 

I want to hear God, I want to love my team, I want to be broken for the people of India and the world. 

I don’t want my world race to be special, I want to be special. I want to make those hard choices and love it. 

As thoughts of home fill my head, fantasies of what would be or could be; I know life would be the same. Life would be filled with everyday choices that are hard. Choices that I would escape from the same way, by feeling sorry for myself or drowning them out with internet, tv, and friends. 

Don’t let that conviction be drowned out. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the lie that what you do and who you are is not important. BECAUSE IT AND YOU ARE. 

You don’t need to go on the world race, or backpack through Europe, or live on the west coast to do epic things. 

Make the choice today to buy in. 



As I work on buying in, I need your help. I want to finish the race, I want to keep letting God work in me and sharing what that looks like… 


I need $550 by April 1st. If you feel led I would love your help.