Romania part two


This past month has brought so many changes, it is unreal. 

In July, the decision was made that I would lead Agape8 for the month. 
My team leader was going to the states for a wedding and wanted to
leave me in charge.  Inwardly I groaned because I knew God was catching
up to me.  When I felt Him call me to leadership, I turned around and
ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could.  I knew that so much
of ME had to die because a person just can’t lead from the position I
was in.  I was struggling with so much CRAP and I wasn’t being
challenged to get rid of it.  I KNEW that being in leadership was going
to force me to deal with those things.  I knew God was calling me to
leadership, so I decided to STOP running and just accept it. 

During that month in Targu Mures, I grew more than I have in a year, I
think.  It was crazy.  I finally pushed through some walls that I
needed to push through and did stuff I never thought I could do.  It
was the beginning of a transformation.  Towards the end of the month, I
found out that I would be the new leader of the team.  I can’t tell you
how surprised I was at this decision.  I never expected it.  But I know
that, FINALLY, I’m not running from God and I am learning more and more
everyday to just be OBEDIENT!!  Even though sometimes I feel like the
least qualified person in the world, I know that I can do ALL things
through Christ.  He doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. 
So in this new season, I’m FULLY leaning on God because I KNOW I can’t
do this alone.  I am trusting Him and continually learning to just be
obedient and to follow Him with my whole heart.  Everything else will
fall into place. 

We spent the majority of this month together as a squad in Bucharest. 
We stayed at a place called Casa Shalom.  It was really an interesting
ministry experience.  We did some children’s ministry and some
evengelism.  I am learning more and more how FUN street evangelism can
be.  Anyway, during this month there were a LOT Of changes on our
squad.  One team was completely taken apart and added to the other
existing teams.  Leadership on many teams has changed as people step up
into squad leading positions.  Team Agape8 lost a member that was
called to Nicaragua and we got a new member.  In the process, it was
decided that we should think of a new team name for the brand new team
that we have become. 

We sat in a room for three hours and sought God about the name and
direction of our new team.  We all took a sheet of paper and asked God
what our new team name should be.  Then, we wrote down what we heard
Him say.  After about 10 minutes of listening and writing, we shared
what we heard God say.  Pretty much all of us had heard something about
light.  The word illuminate jumped out at us.  One member ot something
about the moon.  The moon reflects the light of the SUN (son).  A few
of us got scripture in Ephesians 5 that talks about living in the

After much discussion, we decided that our new team name would be
Illumoonations.  We will bring light to the nations we go to as we
reflect the light of the son.  

Sooooo….let me introduce you to team ILLUMOONATIONS!!!

Amy Christian
Jared Christian

Becky Haverkos
Dan Haverkos
Patricia Stratton
Leigh Leckman
Scott Sexton

Amanda Thompson

For the next month and a half, I will not be able to use the World Race
website so I am going to just generally announce our current plans for
that time.  Tomorrow morning we are leaving on a massively long train
ride to Istanbul, Turkey.  We will spend 10 days there.  From Istanbul,
we will go to Israel for the remainder of the month.  These are both
closed countries and I will not be writing any blogs during the time I
am there.  I will keep communication with a few people in the states
who can distribute information, but I will not be posting any blogs
from the Middle East. 

I have two requests…
1.  PRAY PRAY PRAY for me, my team, and my squad.  PRAY!!  Cover us in prayer!! 
2.  This is the ONLY time I will ask this because Amanda loves her some comments, but PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS BLOG!!!