Month 4 – December… India……
Team changes have come and gone and as my new team sat down to brainstorm what our new team name should be, we all caught each others’ passion to know God more intimately. When asking the Lord what he has in store for us in this next season, we were discussing his love, intimate trust, the power of the Holy Spirit, and what all of this looks like when manifesting in our lives.

Light or set on fire; arouse or inspire (an emotion or feeling).
Ooo… that is good. We all caught on to the word and idea fast.
This is exactly what we want in this next season. We are seven strong, elegant, powerful yet graceful women of Christ, who have been brought together to pull out Godly characteristics in each other. This is a season of fire; that starts within each of us, kindling one another, those around us in ministry, and everyone that we come into contact with. It’s like the ripple effect, but with fire. I like to think of it as a wildfire – that started with one man, burning his ditch’s weed. Then as the wind blows it catches his field on fire, which catches his neighbor’s field, and turns to the forest. Before anyone can help it, there is a raging fire of the Holy Spirit, consuming everything in its path…. Mmm, warmth.

Jessica Robbins is a strong and faithful woman, who followed Christ her whole life. She pulls others into the depth of her faith and trust, inspiring belief of those around her. She desires to bring others into the Kingdom and shines with joy constantly. The Lord is doing and is going to do mighty things through this woman.

Rachel VanTimmeren is a graceful and high energized daughter. She walks boldly, knowing her identity, and continues to express that through her artistic lifestyle. Her hunger for Jesus is growing and her eyes are opening wide to the promises he has for his children. She brings light to this world with her smile, eyes, and honest heart.

Daniela Romo is a fierce woman of God. She basks in the power that Jesus’ name brings to those who claim him. Her journey has brought her understanding and experience that are going to humble this team and witness to every nation on this adventure. She is held tightly in Father’s grip and rests well in that.

Katlyn Head is a tall woman who brings a fresh breath to her environment. She knows who Jesus says she is and lets him love on her well. Her desire to draw even closer to him is big and the growth he has brought to her is miniscule to how large he is going to build her up.

Elizabeth Huff is a sweet daughter of the King, who exercises her childlike faith and love in beautiful and mature ways. The sweetness to her does not mask the fire that she brings and the hunger for more wisdom and knowledge of the Father. Her heart is pure, as are her thoughts and desires for everyone around her… seeing them as the Lord does.

Carly Crookston is a bold and loving woman of God. She serves those around her in a humble way and brings a welcoming warmth to any environment she is a part of. Her desire to know Jesus more intimately is taking her to unimaginable depths that she will only progress further into. Her passion for the Lord draws others into his Kingdom.