We have been in Israel for a few weeks now, but it was THIS morning that the Bible REALLY came alive to me. I was reading Mark 1. It’s a chapter I have read many times before and even memorized a while back.  I still, however, have never read it like I did today. This chapter talks about Jesus being baptized in the Jordan river; Jesus calling the four fisherman to follow Him by the Sea of Galilee;  and Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law in the town of Capernaum .

On Wednesday this past week we had the opportunity to go to the Sea of Galilee and the city of Capernaum.  And while we didn’t quite make it to the Jordan River, after going to the sea of Galilee I can better picture the baptism of Jesus and what it would be like to see, “the heavens being torn open and the spirit descending on Him like a dove” (Mark 1:10), or in Luke’s account when it says, “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water, and He saw the Spirit of God descending on Him like a dove and lighting on Him.” 

 While here in Israel, the Sea of Galilee has been quite possibly my favorite site to see.   I wish you could have been there with me to see the sky above it.  There was something peaceful, refreshing, and even awe inspiring about it.  In comparison to some of the other historical sites in Israel, it isn’t a city that has been built over and over again, or a place one can only see a few of the original stones.   It is a beautiful body of water that remains similar to the time Jesus walked on it, called the four fishermen, fed the 4000, and calmed its storm.  Going to it was a great experience and one I will not soon forget!

In other news, our team has been relocated to Galilee.  Our plans have changed and we are no longer working with the Bedouins.  Instead, we will be serving a small church in this region by cleaning, helping out with youth group activities, and getting to know its members.  It has been encouraging already to meet and pray with the pastor, his family, and a few members of the church.  This next week we will continue to build relationships with the people in this community.  It is a huge blessing to be here and a great gift this Christmas to be so near the places Jesus lived and walked during His ministry.