Its Official…The August World Race has begun!!!! We arrived safely at 4:45AM on Wednesday in Ireland. Thus far we have had amazing worship with both squads, seen how our tents will hold up in the rain, explored the streets of Dublin, and said goodbye to life back home.

We met our ministry contact today and are anxious to get started!!!   Team Benkadi will be serving the homeless while working with Dublin Christian Missions’ Lighthouse. My team and I will be a part of their prayer meetings, worship services, organizing clothes (in the dungeon as they call it), and preparing meals.   We are staying in a little flat and are grateful to have beds and a warm shower!  Also, thanks to everyone for the prayers.. and keep them coming!  I know God is answering them!!! I stepped on a nail today and it went completely into my shoe- but didn’t touch my foot at all!  How crazy is that!!!  I think it was a little reminder for me today that God is truly on this journey with us!