I want to report to everyone that I survived the flight from Nicaragua to Peru!! Maybe I should say that the team survived the flight with me to Peru. I took my little blue pill to help me have a better flight and I guess it put me in enough confusion that I kept telling my friend I was on a bus!! Well no more flight stories till the end of the month.

 One of the highlights from debrief was that we were on a beautiful ranch on the beach. The first day I decided to use my friends cowboy hat believing it would turn me into a cow girl and jumped on one of the horses. I guess my question about if the horse was nice or not was lost in translation.  Shortly after I was on the horse I found out it had a different route in mind than the pleasant walk down the beach. I think the cowboy didn´t want me to give up on my cowgirl dreams so they called for their nine year old son to come and be the gringitas guide. I had a wonderful evening being taken up and down the beach. We went through the fields as I was shown all the cows and each of the beautiful flowers as the sun was going down behind the mountains.

The other hightlight of debrief was when they handed us our letters from home. Thinking I would only have a copy of my immunizatons and a new bank card I was shocked to recieve letters from home. The first letter I opened was typed and after realizing it was from mom I had to put it back in the envelope to keep from crying in front of a room full of people. My heart was touched by every single card and letter that was sent to me. I was also relieved to find some humorous cards (also a bit strange) and gum has never tasted better.

Yesterday in Peru was another day of boxes and cards for everyone. I was certain that after all my letters in Nicaragua I wouldn´t recieve anything. God really must love me!! I had a card from a very special mom of one of my team members that really spoke to my heart. It was hard to believe someone who had never met me would take the time to write me a letter. God really used it to speak to my heart and give me encouragment. Also another team member asked her mom to send me a box so I was able to have a new supply of gum, pens, paper, candy, and the nicest pink socks ever!! I want to thank everyone so much for all the love and encouragment. I am excited to be in Peru and I know that God is at work in each person on the world race as well as in the country of Peru!!