I would be remiss to continue on this journey any further without recognizing the faith you displayed as you donated money, and prayed for my support and interceded on my behalf.
I first realized I was fully funded late one night, soon after arriving in Durban, South Africa. My co-squad leaders were fast asleep in their bunk beds of our hostel and I jumped online, well, because I could. I like to savor quiet moments this year. In the late hours after a good day of romping around Durban and relaxing together as a team, I was pleasantly surprised to find that God had provided my full amount and then some.
It had been over a year of raising support. A year of prayers and a year of faith.
I silently praised the Lord and allowed the truth of the moment to wash over me. God has me here for a reason and He wants me to stay here. He not only made a way for me to board the first flight, but He has supplied more than enough for me to journey home to America after month 11.
Since the beginning stages of feeling called to join the World Race for these 11 months, I never found myself doubting that this was the case. I never doubted that I would get the full amount of funds. And it was amazing to have that peace because for over an entire year, I did not know where I would get the money.
Yet, I watched and waited in anticipation as money began to come in, sometimes trickling, and sometimes in a steady flow. From the beginning, this was purposed. I did nothing to fund raise beyond sending out letters and sharing via word of mouth or through support cards at my home church.
So with that, I want and need to say thank you.
Thank you for letting me be the ministry behind the ministry in Romania. I learned what it means to serve with a joyful heart.
And helping me travel to the unofficial country of Transnistria, where I was able to learn from men who believed and lived a life rooted in the truth of redemption. I spent the month moving dirt and was inspired by the woman that cared for us like her own daughters.
Thank you for Northern Ireland. It was not my favorite month, but it was filled with good lessons. And while I would not want to relive the exact same things, I would not trade that time either.
Thank you for India and all of the prayers that carried our team through. We preached God’s heart for his church nearly every night and it was a month rooted in His Word that I still appreciate to this day.
Thank you for the encouragement in Nepal. My race changed that month and it has been a crazy beautiful ride since then. Oh and I got to go hiking in the Himalayas and jump off a stupid high bridge.
I was able to experience an amazing December at an orphanage with some of the most amazing views, and adorable children I have ever seen all because you had faith in what the Lord was doing with my life this year.
South Africa was a stretching month, filled with twists and turns, but I was able to walk in a deeper faith with the Lord and understand His heart for me.
This month, I am in Thailand, and it is spectacular. It may be the overall favorite so far. I am blown away by the passion of the people we serve with here and the humility of the Burmese and Thai people we have met so far.
I will travel farther and further still – into the countries of Cambodia, Malaysia, and China and into wonder of Papa’s deep deep love for His children. Including me.
So from this wandering mess, Thank You!
I am currently praying for support for spending money during the final three months – to share in cost of snacks, and toiletries, like shampoo and laundry soap. As well, I am in need of money or frequent flyer miles to buy a plane ticket home to the east coast when my squad hits American soil in the beginning of June.
If you would like to help me with this, please feel free to email me for details. Or mail a check to Kathryn McConnell 427 Granville Court, Havre de Grace, Maryland 21078
As always, please continue to pray for my squad and me.
In Him,