Read my first two blogs about training camp here 1 and here 2

By Wednesday of camp, I was exhausted. Emotionally, I was ready for a big ole rocking chair, and steamy cup of coffee and plenty of quiet space. Physically, I was more ready for sleep than any shift’s end at the hospital. The joy of hanging out with the squad, Spirit-filled sessions, goofy games and invigorating talks with others spurred me through the day.

One of my favorite parts of the day was when we were encouraged to take some time and listen for God to speak. I sat down at a table and prayed. For some of you, the idea that God speaks is foreign and unnatural. But I can promise you He does speak today. And in all different ways. I often hear from Him in words felt in my spirit and also as my hand moves a pen across a page. It does not always happen when I ask to hear from Him but sometimes, sometimes when I clear my head and listen, I am blessed to hear his voice.

On Wednesday night this is what I scribbled into my journal :

Do not fear

Do not fear what I am calling you into, nor this process. I will equip you. Seek me. Seek me first. Not your ways but mine. Trust in my goodness. Abide. Allow me to prune you. And trust that you are a branch on the vine.

Thursday morning came earlier than others, mainly because T squad fit snugly on a bus for Wednesday night’s scenario. We grabbed breakfast and were ushered to our first locations for the day – half of us heading to the deck for the final team formation exercise. Today was the day we found out our teams.  Running off of little sleep, in an exhausting week, and going into a pivotal part of the week, I could sense that many of us were on edge.

I went into my final group apprehensive. But as we settled into the activity, I had fun and found the group to work well together. No doubt, as individuals, we were different. But there was respect for everyone and I had a chance earlier in the week or throughout it to make a connection with most of the women sitting at the table with me. We moved into a discussion of how the group time went with Mac, a trainer, and Poppy, our squad leader, with both alumni racers throwing questions our way. The discussion was bumpy, but I was still enjoying the prospects of serving on a team with these women. I saw power and strength in the team. I stared across the table at ones that I thought could lead the team well and was excited at the thought of following them.

And then a question was asked. “Who do you see as a leader in this group?”

Part 2 to follow…