I hate seeing babies dying of preventable diseases like Malaria, Thyphoid, and Menengitis.

I hate hospital conditions that are indescribable.
I hate that there are 2 million orphans in this country alone.
I hate seeing people dying of AIDS.
I hate mothers offering me their babies.
I hate looking in the eyes of a mom or dad and seeing hopelessness.
I hate ignorance and that many people all over the world CHOOSE to live in this. Blindness is more simple then reading about and fighting for the millions of children that are sex trafficked every year.
I hate that too many people think that money will solve the deepest problems these people have. It will help with some things, but what will solve them is a relationship with Jesus and a life lived for Him. I hate that that sounds too simple.
I hate that I have so many more questions then answers.
I hate that we don’t as individuals or as a nation value prayer. Have you prayed for someone broken and hopeless today?
I love that I have faith and believe that someone has the big picture and that I get to be part of that. I love that I have the promise that this world will pass away and whatever is in front of me I can choose to say hallelujah.