When my team found out where we would be going in Vietnam, it was almost too good to be true. We were headed to Nha Trang, right on the coast. It was to be our last country in Asia, before heading to Ireland. I had heard of there being many restrictions as to what we would be able to say on the phone, and post on the internet, because the government does not like Christianity spreading in their country. It was hard leaving Cambodia, because of the relationships we had made there, but we knew God was calling us to move forward, into what he had waiting for us in Vietnam.

When we arrived we were greeted by one of the sweetest families I’d ever met. Our main host, was the daughter of a wonderful pastor and his wife, and she was our translator for much of the time. There was also grandma, one of the cutest little old women I’ve ever met. They had such servant hearts, and we were so blessed by them. They served us so much Pho, a delicious Vietnamese noodle soup!

During my time in Asia, I learned that most people are so eager to learn, and practice English. This gave us a good cover to meet with people and an open door to talk about Jesus. At the start of the month, we made and posted flyers around town that advertised free English practice over coffee. We created an email account, and waited for people to respond. The team split up into smaller groups, so we could reach more people. My teammate Corinne and I went walking on the beach one afternoon praying for God to put people in our path to talk to about practicing English. He didn’t fail us. While we were sitting, waiting on him, Hugh walked over and started talking to us. It worked out that we would be able to meet with him to help him practice his English.

Another ministry we helped out with was a VBS at a little church in a smaller village town about an hour away. Before we went, there were several dances we learned, in order to teach them to the kids. After much practice we were able to not look too ridiculous doing them! The kids loved them though, and it was an awesome time to see the children there growing in Jesus. It was also a great opportunity to grow closer as a team.

That month, God blessed us so much with time every morning to spend with him, praying, reading the word, and pressing into what he has for Vietnam, Nha Trang, for our team, and the people he had put in our path that month. It was our prayer that we would have the time to build relationships with those we met with, and share God’s love with them. We were able to plant and water many seeds of faith, that will one day lead to a great harvest there.

For me personally, it was difficult to stay focused at times. That month was our 5th, and final country in Asia. Asia was so amazing to experience. However, there were a few cultural differences that had eventually worn me down near to my breaking point. The impatient- me first attitude, rice for every meal for months on end, and the heat, all made the upcoming reprieve from all of that Ireland had to offer a real challenge to stay present. That is why I believe God blessed me with that extra time to spend with him everyday, and align my desires with his will, that enabled me to end Asia well.

On our last day in Nha Trang, we threw a big party on the beach for all the students that we had helped learn English. There were almost 50 people there. Many did not know each other, but it was such a great success. It was so awesome to see how much God is in pursuit of the hearts of the people there. I know it won’t be long before they will come to know personally, his amazing grace and love for them.