When I was little, being home schooled, I liked to plan out my own homework goals and assignments for the week. I know, that’s a little odd- but I’ve always loved knowing what is expected of me, what I need to do, and when I need to have it done by. Through the years though I’ve learned that expectations like with just about everything have two sides. The subject of expectations has been on my mind for some time. They are at the root of so many things. We may have never realized that we even had expectations until the end result winds up being not what we had in mind.

I believe God created and wired us to have expectations, and hope. It is nearly impossible not to have them. From an early age we are taught that when we do certain things, we can expect a particular outcome. It is impossible to have faith and trust in God without the expectation that He has, and is in complete control of everything in your world; and without faith, it is impossible to please God. His word is full of promises to us, that enable and encourage us to have expectations that are healthy. Now there’s the rub! Our sinful fallen nature likes to appear, and invade every area of our lives; and unhealthy expectations are like a little doggy door, the enemy likes to use.

About a little over a month ago, I went to the World Race Training Camp. It is a time to let the Lord work deeply in you, so you are then able to pour out to others through ministry on the race. I don’t think I fully realized that I had expectations of what training camp would be like, until I got there. I had sort of tried to prepare myself as best I could, based on blogs and other things I had read. One important thing God used training camp to reminded me of, was how much greater He is than any expectation I could ever have. I realized I had come with a few unhealthy expectations, and lies that had made it through my doggy door undetected.

I realized that I had come to camp with the expectation, thinking that maybe no one would like me… but I was completely surrounded by a squad and leaders that demonstrated more love and acceptance than I could’ve imagined. I had come with the expectation that God would speak to others, but probably not me… but I heard Him speak to me more clearly during that time than I had yet experienced. I had come with the expectation of needing to strive for God… but God poured out more love over me during that time, showing me that simply being in Him is more than I could ever need. 

I know that training camp was only a taste of what God has for me on the race. This coming year, I am expecting God to be with me everywhere, that I will hear His voice, and that He will use me to show Himself strong. What are you expecting this year?..  I know God has great things in store!