It’s here! The day I’ve been talking about for the past year. Countless things have been running through my brain leading up to this moment. I’ve made lists, and lists of my lists. Packed, unpacked repacked, and repeted that proccess countless times. The main thing on my mind has been what’s it going to be like? What will I need? The hard thing is that I don’t have an answer for that.
This journey is stretching me, right from the get go. I am having to make choices I hadn’t anticipated making, which seem small; but it’s funny how we can come to rely on the little things in our life, and take for granted that we will always have access to them. It requires something inside of me to shift. It demands that I place myelf into a position of humility. You may be asking, why is she doing this?…
The answer is simple. I want to grow. I don’t want to be the same person I was the year before, and I hope I’m not the same next year. I want to like the tree that is planted by the river, that has strong roots, and bears good fruit. Trees, like all plants, grow towards the light. They grow upwards and outwards. I believe in a God who created me to be like Him; and to experience His joy, and enjoy the earth that H created. The desires and things that bring me joy were placed there by God.
I desire first and foremost to know more about the one who knows me better than I even know myself. He is my first and very best friend. Best friends have the ability to not only bring you incredible joy, but truth, in honesty and love. I have had best friends that have done those things for me. But the sad part, is that because they are human like me, they have failed me; and can never be what only God was created to do and be for me. God is the only perfect friend. He loved me so much He gave his life for me. He waits more patiently, and has more grace for me than I can fathom. He is unfailing, and ever faithful. It is my prayer, that as I go on the world race, I will be able to share the love and friendship of Jesus, that He has shown is possible to have with Him; as well as experience the beautiful world He created.
I can’t wait to share the stories He will let me be a part of! 🙂