“I need you to trust in me, I will provide for every aspect of life if you simply TRUST in me and the peace I can provide.”- those are the words that I kept hearing while taking a nap today and hearing the voice of the Lord so clearly, dang is He cool.


So this week has been stressful and I’m really not sure how to explain it. I have to get my wisdom teeth out next month or things could get bad. I had an appointment here where they told me a tooth is infected and I need all 4 wisdom teeth out asap, and as you could surely guess I became stressed. I was so confused because the Lord told me before I left that I wouldn’t have to deal with these problems, or so I thought. I know that these things happen and there is nothing I can do but it is hard when I want everything to be easy. So I am currently in Botswana, far away from my family and comforts and I have to get my teeth out in a country I do not know and stay with a host I haven’t met yet. I also have the worry of not being fully funded constantly on my mind but I keep hearing the Lord tell me these are all earthy things and He will take care of it once I just trust Him and if that isn’t comforting I don’t know what else would help!


I have learned that trust is a funny thing with the Lord and it is cool to constantly get reminded of all these things in such a simple way. I know the Lord will provide me with comfort and my team will take care of me, and as for bills I will just have to budget wisely. So I know that somethings in life may make it seem like everything is wrong but honestly my life is awesome. I have a great team, I have had a restful month, I am heading to South Africa this weekend, and the Lord will provide in ways that I didn’t expect and it all comes from a serene voice from the Lord that tells me He will be my calm. So thanks God for keeping my trust in you in times I may not want to. 


Thanks for reading a challenging day on the race, and thanks for the continual prayers!