Hey friends,

This month we’re living and working at The Overflow Guesthouse, a beautiful, new World Race guesthouse and Adventures in Missions base here in Siem Reap, Cambodia. A couple previous teams removed religious artifacts, casted out the remaining evil and darkness within these walls, and anointed every window, door, and room. In the last week, Team Abundant Life has been welcoming guests, scrubbing and cleaning, cooking, reorganizing, and repainting walls. This place has been transformed over the last 7 weeks, since Adventures took over. The problem is, there are still special projects and equipment needs we want to help fulfill, and all of these things cost money.

That being said, before our time here ends next week, we want to raise another $6,000 to continue bringing restoration to this place. As we check things off to-do lists, we need the funding to purchase supplies and create the full ambiance of rest and abundance. We want to fill this place with so much love, joy, and life that these walls cannot contain it all. More than a home-away-from-home, we want God’s goodness to overflow into our guests and this city. Can you help make this happen? This place will serve countless guests from around the world, the surrounding community of Siem Reap, and future World Race teams long after we leave!

Would you prayerfully consider giving to this ministry and help us reach our goal of $8,080? Check out this Give Campaign for a detailed wish list, donate to The Overflow Guesthouse, or share this post for us!
The Lord has incredible things in store for this place and this city. Feel free to message me or comment if you have any further questions about this ministry!
Love y’all!